Tag: Springfield

Springfield, NJ Author Publishes Astrology Title

The Zodiac Decoded, a new book by Joseph T. Cappa, Esq, has been released by Dorrance Publishing Co., Inc. Finally, the true meaning of the Zodiac has been discovered! The ancient mystery has been solved! A must read, especially by the younger generation who will one day inherit this planet. Author Joseph T. Cappa, Esq., unravels, step by step, the process he used in deciphering the zodiac, revealing its true meaning. Learn for yourself that the zodiac’s story applies to all people, and it provides a message of hope, particularly relevant in these unique times. All readers, young and old, ... Read more

Springfield, VA Author Publishes Novel

Memories of a Jane Street Boy, a new book by Michael F. McCarthy, Colonel USAF (Ret), has been released by Dorrance Publishing Co., Inc. Memories of a Jane Street Boy is the fictionalized version of the impact one family and special group of friends have had on the life of Michael McCarthy from his early childhood all the way through high school, their impressions and lessons having a lifetime effect. Predominately focused between the years of 1951 and 1969, Michael’s tale is one of friendships’ rites of passage, adventures and misadventures, successes and failures, love lost and love found, which ... Read more

Springfield, PA Author Publishes Book About 9/11

The Red Herring: A Novel Approach to Explain What Really Happened on 9/11, a new book by Kevin Omlor, has been released by Dorrance Publishing Co., Inc. Special 20th Anniversary Edition The Red Herring presents a completely unique outlook on the events that took place on September 11th. Although told with an unwavering reverence for life, this story may prove to be the most uncompromising and controversial political satires ever told. This provocative telling just might awaken the reader to an America they thought lost. While men of good will everywhere pray for world peace, perhaps this old American sword ... Read more