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PM greets people on Easter

PM greets people on Easter

The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi has greeted the people on the occasion of Easter. In a tweet, the Prime Minister said; "Happy Easter! We recall the thoughts and ideals of Jesus Christ and the emphasis on social justice as...

Mosaics Fine Art Festival Appoints Two Board Members

Mosaics Fine Art Festival Appoints Two Board Members

 Mosaics Fine Art Festival recently added Diana Nash and Justine Riggs to its board of directors.In addition to being named a board member, Nash manages the festival’s Joyce Rosen Scholarship entries and exhibits. She is a retired adjunct English professor at St....

Tax Day Savings Offer from Medicare Insurance Association

Tax Day Savings Offer from Medicare Insurance Association

 The American Association for Medicare Supplement Insurance announced a special Tax Day offer for agents adding their listing to the national online directory of Medicare agents.“In recognition of Tax Day, we are pleased to offer a 15 percent savings to any agent...

Chrysler Store by Amazon Opens to Consumers

WEBWIRE – Friday, April 15, 2022 Just in time for a springtime shopping spree, the Chrysler brand has launched the new Chrysler Store by Amazon, bringing hundreds of options for authentic licensed gear and merchandise to Chrysler brand fans and...

Citizens Commission on Human Rights Champions Patients’ Rights

Citizens Commission on Human Rights Champions Patients’ Rights

CCHR has long been an advocate for human rights, especially patients’ rights in the field of mental health. Per the international CCHR website,, “CCHR has long fought to restore basic inalienable human rights to the field of mental health, including,...

PM to visit Gujarat from 18 to 20 April

PM to visit Gujarat from 18 to 20 April

Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi will visit Gujarat from 18 to 20 April, 2022. On 18th April, at around 6 PM, Prime Minister will visit the Command and Control Centre for Schools in Gandhinagar. On 19th April, at around 9:40 AM, he will dedicate to...

Text of PM’s address while unveiling 108ft statue of Hanuman ji in Morbi, Gujarat

Text of PM’s address while unveiling 108ft statue of Hanuman ji in Morbi, Gujarat

नमस्‍कार! महामंडलेश्वर कंकेश्वरी देवी जी और राम कथा आयोजन से जुड़े सभी महानुभाव, गुजरात की इस धर्मस्थली में उपस्थित सभी साधु-संत, महंत, महामंडलेश्वर, एच सी नंदा ट्रस्ट के सदस्यगण, अन्य विद्वान और श्रद्धालुगण, देवियों और सज्जनों!...


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