Now Join World of Warcraft Guild – Why and How to Do


Guilds are usually the association of player characters in World of Warcraft game. The formation of the guild is to make grouping and raids easier and more meaningful, and to form a social atmosphere to enjoy the game. Many individual players also use the Banking Association to increase the limited bank storage space available in the game.

1. Why you need to join a guild?

Patch 4.0.3a: Guilds now receive guild perks after gaining levels, which offer a variety of rewards including an increase in experience, reputation, and world of warcraft classic gold earned
Having a group of people willing to help, and on later levels, being able to do high-end instances and raid instances such as Obsidian Sanctum, Naxxramas, Eye of Eternity and Ulduar. Also finding Battle Groups will be much much easier.
Having a group of people to talk to socially wherever you are and whatever you’re doing.
Guild members are often a more reliable and more kind source of information than general chat.
A guild bank lets you exchange items not right for your class or style with ones you prefer or simply help out those less fortunate. With patch 2.3 real guild banks have been introduced and players no longer need to host a bank character for their guild.
Guilds are a great way to improve your World of Warcraft experience.

2. How can you join a guild?

Joining the World of Warcraft Guild is easy and difficult. Although you hardly need to be part of the guild, the social aspects surrounding the behavior can complicate the matter.

To join a guild, all you need to do is to contact an official of the guild you want to join and ask them to invite you. The members of each guild have different levels. According to the level of players in the guild, they have the privilege of guild invitation. Normally, it is only held by officials and trusted senior members.

No one outside the guild can manually add themselves to the guild without an invitation.

After giving the officer your role name, as long as you are online, they can invite you to join the guild. When they do, you will pop up a guild invitation in the middle of the screen, asking if you want to accept or decline the invitation.

Now that you have entered the guild, if you are playing a classic game, you can view the activities in the guild by opening the social options of the game. In retail, you can press the guild-specific option at the bottom of the screen.

In Classic, you can check who is online in the guild by clicking the “Social” button at the bottom of the screen and clicking the “Guild” tab at the bottom of the pop-up window.

The complexity of joining a guild often revolves around the social elements of the game. Most guilds will not add cheap vanilla wow gold player just because they ask. They often have requirements to join, including being able to conduct raids at specific times.

More hardcore guilds will require you to participate in a specific class or major. They may even conduct an interview or application process. The key to finding the right guild is to find players whose goals are similar to those of your players, whether they are hardcore or casual.