Hong Kong – LegCo to debate motion for adjournment of Council


LegCo to debate motion for adjournment of Council


The following is issued on behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat:

     The Legislative Council (LegCo) will hold a meeting tomorrow (July 6) at 11am in the Chamber of the LegCo Complex. During the meeting, Members will debate a motion for the adjournment of the Council under Rule 16(2) of the Rules of Procedure. The motion, to be moved by Ms Starry Lee, states: “That this Council do now adjourn for the purpose of debating the following issue: the implementation of the address made by President Xi Jinping on July 1 for opening a new chapter of good governance.”

     Meanwhile, Mr Frankie Yick, Dr Priscilla Leung, Ms Elizabeth Quat and Mr Tommy Cheung will move four separate proposed resolutions under section 34(4) of the Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance to extend the period for amending subsidiary legislations. The proposed resolutions are set out in Appendices 1 to 4 respectively.

     Mr Yim Kong will move a motion on interfacing with Shenzhen and planning for joint development of the Shenzhen-Hong Kong boundary control points economic belt. The motion is set out in Appendix 5. Ms Chan Yuet-ming, Mr Frankie Yick and Dr Stephen Wong will move separate amendments to Mr Yim’s motion.

     Mr Kwok Wai-keung will move a motion on improving the statutory minimum wage regime. The motion is set out in Appendix 6. Mr Ngan Man-yu will move an amendment to Mr Kwok’s motion.

     On Government bills, the Second Reading debate on the Rural Representative Election (Amendment) Bill 2022 will resume. If the Bill is supported by Members and receives its Second Reading, it will stand committed to the committee of the whole Council. After the committee of the whole Council has completed consideration of the Bill and its report is adopted by the Council, the Bill will be set down for the Third Reading.

     The Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing (Amendment) Bill 2022 will be introduced into the Council for the First Reading and the Second Reading. The Second Reading debate on the Bill will be adjourned.

     During the meeting, Mr Martin Liao, Ms Yung Hoi-yan and Mr Chan Kin-por will present the “Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC), Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China Annual Report 2021 and Reports of ICAC Advisory Committees”, the “ICAC Complaints Committee Annual Report 2021” and the “Finance Committee Report on the examination of the Estimates of Expenditure 2022-2023” respectively.

     Members will also ask the Government 22 questions on various policy areas, six of which require oral replies.

     The agenda of the above meeting can be obtained via the LegCo Website (www.legco.gov.hk). Members of the public can watch or listen to the meeting via the Webcast system on the LegCo Website. To observe the proceedings of the meeting at the LegCo Complex, members of the public may call 3919 3399 during office hours to reserve seats.