Hong Kong – LegCo Panel on Security visits Government Flying Service Headquarters (with photos)


LegCo Panel on Security visits Government Flying Service Headquarters (with photos)


The following is issued on behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat:

     The Legislative Council (LegCo) Panel on Security visited the Government Flying Service (GFS) Headquarters today (May 31) to better understand the daily operation of the GFS.


     Panel members first took a helicopter ride arranged by the GFS from the helipad in Wan Chai. They took the opportunity to conduct aerial inspection of the community isolation facilities in the former Kai Tak runway when the helicopters flew over the GFS Kai Tak Division.


     Panel members were then briefed by the GFS representatives on its searching and rescue operations when the helicopters flew over the hot spots of mountain rescue including the Kowloon Peak and the Lion Rock.


     When Panel members arrived at the GFS Headquarters in Chek Lap Kok, they toured the Hangar and received a briefing from the Controller of the GFS, Captain West, on the GFS’s aircraft fleet and related equipment. They also observed a training demonstration by the aircrews of the GFS. Meanwhile, Panel members also exchanged views with the aircrews of the GFS to gain a better understanding of the situation and challenges of the daily operation of the GFS.


     A total of 12 members of the Panel on Security attended the visit.