Category: Tech

Technology Stories

Implement Security by Design with an Embedded SSL Library

  • Categories: Tech
Software and hardware developers are under constant pressure to make their technologies secure by design, rather than only thinking about security as something that gets tacked on later after everything else is complete. Some of the most vulnerable devices end up being embedded systems, such as IoT smart devices, which often have a single purpose but still handle sensitive data. As such, TLS security is something that every device that transmits digital information should have. wolfSSL is designed to make that a reality without the common complications associated with integrating additional software libraries with firmware and other software. What makes ... Read more

replica rolex explorer Orologi

  • Categories: Tech
Il quadrante è il volto distintivo di un orologio Rolex, la caratteristica più responsabile della sua identità e leggibilità. Come tutti i segnatempo Rolex, il quadrante di Explorer è replica rolex explorer Orologi progettato e realizzato internamente, in gran parte a mano per garantire la perfezione. Gli ultimi 3, 6 e 9 numeri caratteristici del modello Explorer sono ora riempiti con un materiale luminescente che emette un bagliore blu di lunga durata, come gli indici delle ore e le lancette. Come tutti i segnatempo Rolex, il quadrante di Explorer è progettato e realizzato internamente, in gran parte a mano per ... Read more

LinkOptimizer for InDesign Fixes Issues with Umlauts in Image Names

  • Categories: Tech
Zevrix Solutions announces LinkOptimizer 5.2.17, a maintenance update to company’s workflow automation tool for Adobe InDesign. LinkOptimizer lets users automatically scale and crop images to their InDesign dimensions at specified target resolution, convert image formats and colors, embed profiles and more. The new version fixes an error caused by processing of images with umlauts and other accented characters in their names, which could affect workflows in German and other European languages. Toronto (ON), Canada — Zevrix Solutions today announces LinkOptimizer 5.2.17, a maintenance update to its image processing automation solution for Adobe InDesign ( LinkOptimizer automates complex image manipulation tasks ... Read more

Implementing Case Insensitive CSV Dictreader in Python

  • Categories: Tech
Case sensitivity is one of the common problems being faced by developers when you fetch data from a python dictionary. This will be a major problem especially when you read data from a CSV file using CSV DictReader. Here is the solution for this issue. In general use cases, we upload the CSV files to the system to store huge amount of data by uploading single file. For example, in e-commerce sites we just write thousands of products details in a CSV file and just upload it. In python, we can read the data of a CSV file in 2 ... Read more

Web Werks Introduces Tally as a Service (TAAS)

  • Categories: Tech
Web Werks, a prominent data center, cloud and managed services provider in India recently announced Tally as a service for their customers. Web Werks Tally on cloud provides the economical, efficient and secured way to use Tally from multiple locations without limitations and high-level Infra security for financial data (remotely). Web Werks Tally hosting services are often referred to as a business analytics platform that combines cloud, data insight, and unified decision support, along with your organization’s most critical asset i.e. human intelligence. Web Werks Tally solutions are designed with beneficial features that are lightweight, super secured and seamlessly scalable. Web ... Read more

Improve quality control with apps for your digital microscope

  • Categories: Tech
With a digital microscope from TAGARNO, the user can purchase apps specifically developed to improve quality control processes for their microscope. This gives the operator access to the latest technology without having to invest in new microscopes all the time. A wide range of add-on features Among the apps developed by TAGARNO are: Image Comparison that allows the operator to compare a reference image of a golden sample with a recent sample from the production line Focus Stacking that stacks images taken at different focus heights to create one ultra-sharp image with no blurred or out of focus areas TAGARNO ... Read more