'Revelations' where artists expound on their practice, sharing moments of creative discovery and insights into their art-making. The third from the series will unfold...
World University of Design presented “YAJNASENI” an art exhibition comprising 30 - 35 vibrant pieces of art by three different genres of 23 Eminent Female Artists - senior, young and budding on the occasion of International...
Australia: Shanahan Family Law is a Sunshine Coast based family law practice that can assist with stressful family law matters Australia wide (excluding WA)....
Sagar Institute of Science and Technology SISTec has bagged the prestigious ASSOCHAM Award 2021 for "Excellence in Promoting Industry-Academic Interface." The same was announced...
CONTAIN MULTITUDES: A workshop on portraiture and creations facilitated by artist Anish Cherian. This two-day online workshop invites participants to reflect on portraits, characters,...