Author: michelleherringt

Nature Awards competition aimed at enhancing scientific communication through video announces its first winners

Science in Shorts’ announces its first ten finalists, public vote selects video on what iron molecules do inside the body’s cells as favourite London | New York | Darmstadt, – WEBWIRE – Friday, July 15, 2022 Science in Shorts, the new competition from Nature Awards and Springer Nature in partnership with Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany has announced its first winners, with the Top Ten being announced at the Curious2022 – Future Insight™ conference. The announcement was followed by a public vote to decide the ‘Curious2022 Favourite’ from among this year’s winners. Pavel Dolezal from Charles University came out ... Read more

President, DIGroup Architecture Guests On “NJBIZConversations”

During a lengthy conversation, Kanige asked Myers to highlight some of the projects the company has worked on. Myers selected one project in particular to elaborate on, “Probably one of our smaller scale projects but certainly very much representative of our culture, is at Stony Brook University. The UNITI Cultural Center is a tiny gem of a project, but it is having a ripple effect across that college community because it is a special place for minority students to assemble on that campus and was applauded for its design and impact by University President Maurie McInnis.” When ... Read more