Hong Kong – Labour Department to hold occupational health public talks


Labour Department to hold occupational health public talks


     The Labour Department (LD) will hold a public talk entitled “Occupational Health of Office Workers Series (II) Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders for Office Workers” on March 21 (Friday) to raise office workers’ awareness of musculoskeletal disorders of the back and upper limbs arising from prolonged repetitive movements or improper sitting postures. The talk will cover the causes of and preventive measures for musculoskeletal disorders among office workers.
     The talk will be given by the LD’s occupational hygienist and occupational health nurse at 3.30pm at the the Lecture Hall of the Hong Kong Space Museum, 10 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui.
     The LD will hold another talk, entitled “First Aid in the Workplace”, on March 28 (Friday). The talk will cover basic knowledge of first aid and explain how to assist and handle employees injured in workplace accidents through case illustrations.
     The talk will be given by the occupational hygienist and occupational health nurse at 3.30pm at the Lecture Theatre of the Hong Kong Central Library, 66 Causeway Road, Causeway Bay.

     Both talks will be given in Cantonese. Admission is free but pre-registration is required. Interested parties can register online (www.oshsreg.gov.hk/en). For enquiries, please call 2852 4040.