Hong Kong – Government posts notices of land resumption and acquisition for Second Phase Development of Yuen Long South New Development Area


Government posts notices of land resumption and acquisition for Second Phase Development of Yuen Long South New Development Area


     The Lands Department (LandsD) today (February 20) posted resumption notices and acquisition notices in accordance with relevant ordinances to resume about 56 hectares of private land and acquire about 14.54 square metres of government land being occupied by two graves and four urns for the implementation of the Second Phase Development of the Yuen Long South New Development Area (YLS NDA).
     Section 4 of the Lands Resumption Ordinance (Chapter 124), section 4 of the Land Acquisition (Possessory Title) Ordinance (Chapter 130), section 14 of the Roads (Works, Use and Compensation) Ordinance (Chapter 370) and section 14 of Chapter 370 as applied by section 26 of the Water Pollution Control (Sewerage) Regulation (Chapter 358, Subsidiary Legislation AL) will be invoked.
     The about 56 hectares of land to be resumed involves a total of 1 231 private lots. The land will revert to the Government three months from the date of the notices (i.e. May 21, 2025). The Government will release ex-gratia land compensation to the relevant land owners after the land reverts to the Government.
     The abovementioned land reversion date is the date of reversion of the ownership of the land in the Government. It is not the departure deadline for the affected households and business undertakings. According to the information obtained earlier from the freezing survey, there are a total of about 200 households and about 80 business undertakings within the development boundary of the Second Phase Development of the YLS NDA. According to the project programme, they are scheduled to depart in batches from the third quarter of 2025 to the third quarter of 2026. The LandsD sent letters to the affected households and business undertakings in June 2023 informing them of the expected departure dates and the compensation and rehousing arrangements for their early preparation. The LandsD and its appointed Community Liaison Service Team will maintain communication with the affected households and business undertakings, and provide updated information in a timely manner. The LandsD will post notices in relevant areas about three months before the departure deadlines of the affected households and business undertakings.
     The Government is handling the compensation and rehousing matters of the affected land owners, households and business undertakings at full steam, and will endeavour to arrange rehousing for or release compensation to all eligible persons before the works commence.
     The YLS NDA is a southern extension of Yuen Long New Town. According to the revised Recommended Outline Development Plan released in 2020, the YLS NDA will provide about 32 900 housing units accommodating a new population of about 98 700. About 13 700 employment opportunities will also be created.