Hong Kong – LCQ20: Office of Former Chief Executives


LCQ20: Office of Former Chief Executives


     Following is a question by the Hon Michael Tien and a written reply by the Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Chan Kwok-ki, in the Legislative Council today (February 12):
     It has been reported that the Office of Former Chief Executives of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (the Office) located at Pacific Place in Admiralty will be relocated to the Immigration Tower in Wan Chai upon the expiry of lease. In this connection, will the Government inform this Council:
(1) of the renovation costs involved in setting up the Office at Pacific Place in Admiralty; whether the relocation of the Office away from its present location will involve reinstatement costs; if so, of the estimated relevant expenditures;
(2) of the estimated costs associated with the relocation of the Office and the estimated renovation costs of the new Office respectively;
(3) as the Government announced in the 2017 Policy Address that it planned to reprovision the three government towers at the Wan Chai waterfront, including the Immigration Tower, so as to release the precious land in the Wan Chai district for convention, exhibition and commercial uses, and the Chief Executive indicated last month that the reprovisioning plan would be implemented as scheduled, whether the Government will, in the light of the prevailing economic environment, utilise the relevant sites for the more important use of promoting economic recovery; if so, of the progress and timetable of the relevant plan; and
(4) whether it has assessed if the Office will need to be relocated again after it has been relocated to the Immigration Tower in Wan Chai in the light of the commencement of the reprovisioning plan mentioned in (3); if it has assessed and the result is in the affirmative, whether the Government will consider a longer-term option, so as to avoid wasting public money?
     The reply to the question raised by the Hon Michael Tien is as follows:
 (1), (2) and (4) As the Office of Former Chief Executives (FCEO) of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) at 28 Kennedy Road can only accommodate three former Chief Executives (former CEs) at most, and there was no suitable and available government premises at the time, a leasable office unit was thus identified at Pacific Place as office for the fourth former CE for a tenancy period of three years starting from May 2022. The renovation works was carried out by the Architectural Services Department at a cost of about $6.55 million, funded under Subhead 3101GX of Head 703 – Buildings.
     The tenancy of the office will expire in May this year. The Government had liaised with the landlord who agreed to take over the office in an as-is condition and no reinstatement works will be required. The Government plans to relocate the office to 23/F, Immigration Tower in Wan Chai for continuous operation. The renovation works is in progress and the estimated renovation cost is around $2.8 million.
     The Government will continue to provide support to all former CEs according to the recommendations set out in the Independent Commission on Remuneration Package and Post-office Arrangements for the Chief Executive of the HKSAR’s report, including appropriate office accommodation and administrative support, to facilitate their performance of promotional and protocol-related functions for Hong Kong.
(3) The convention and exhibition (C&E) industry brings important contributions to Hong Kong’s economy by attracting high-spending overnight business visitors to Hong Kong, spurring economic activities and creating employment opportunities in sectors such as tourism, retail, catering, entertainment industries; while facilitating local small and medium enterprises to connect with international buyers and suppliers to develop new markets and explore business opportunities. In order to provide more C&E facilities to facilitate the long-term development of the Hong Kong C&E industry, the Government is taking forward the Wan Chai North Redevelopment project near the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre as planned. This project involves the redevelopment of the sites of the Wan Chai Government Offices Compound, Gloucester Road Garden and the Kong Wan Fire Station into C&E facilities, hotel and Grade A offices. Among others, with the funding approval of the Finance Committee of the Legislative Council, the Government has commenced the reprovisioning of Kong Wan Fire Station project to relocate the Kong Wan Fire Station to the site adjoining Fenwick Pier Street and Lung Hop Street.