Mintra Joins INTERTANKO as an Associate Member


Since its establishment in 1970, INTERTANKO has been a powerful voice advocating for independent tanker owners worldwide. Dedicated to promoting safety, efficiency, and environmental responsibility, the organisation champions global energy transportation, ensuring the highest standards of service for oil, gas, and chemical transport. INTERTANKOs vision of zero fatalities, zero pollution, and zero detentions aligns seamlessly with Mintras values of continuous improvement and innovation.

Mintra was recommended for membership by respected industry leaders Stolt Tankers and Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement (BSM). This endorsement highlights Mintras reputation and commitment to advancing excellence in the maritime sector.

As an Associate Member, Mintra will gain access to INTERTANKOs extensive library of data and insights, including detailed statistics on maritime incidents and trends. This valuable resource will empower Mintra to better understand the industrys challenges and guide the development of innovative solutions to address critical needs.

INTERTANKO is the most established and respected representative of the global tanker fleet, and we are deeply honoured to join this prestigious institution, said Erle Kristin Wagle, Director of Maritime Strategy and Business Development at Mintra. This membership provides a unique opportunity to collaborate with industry leaders, share knowledge, and drive meaningful advancements. By working closely with INTERTANKO and its members, Mintra is committed to supporting the continuous improvement of the tanker industry and developing digital solutions that address the evolving challenges faced by tanker operators worldwide.

Mintra intends to actively participate in INTERTANKOs initiatives by submitting proposals for studies aimed at benefitting the entire maritime sector. Key team members, including Erle Undem, Torbjrg Undem, Kelly White, and Jessica Suessmilch, will be instrumental in leveraging this membership to advance Mintras mission of enhancing safety, skills, and operational excellence in the tanker industry.
