Hong Kong – Special enforcement operation launched targeting construction sites for new works (with photos)


Special enforcement operation launched targeting construction sites for new works (with photos)


  In light of the recent serious accidents at construction sites for new works, the Labour Department (LD) launched a territory-wide Special Enforcement Operation (SEO) yesterday (January 20), focusing on construction sites with large-scale scaffolding, curtain wall installations and lifting operations, etc.

  The Commissioner for Labour, Ms May Chan, and the Deputy Commissioner (Occupational Safety and Health), Mr Vincent Fung, today (January 21) inspected an enforcement operation at a construction site in Central district. After the inspection, they briefed the Chairman of the Panel on Manpower of the Legislative Council, Mr Lam Chun-sing, and the Deputy Chairman, Dr Ngan Man-yu, on the enforcement situation.

  During this operation, the LD issued a total of four suspension notices, three improvement notices and initiated five prosecutions, mainly related to the offences of unsafe work-at-height activities and failure to provide personal protective equipment.

  Under the general duty provisions of the Occupational Safety and Health Ordinance, employers are obligated to provide safe working environments, plant and systems of work for their employees. Those who contravene the relevant provisions with serious circumstances are liable to a maximum fine of $10 million and imprisonment for two years.

  The LD reminds contractors and employers that they shall provide plant and systems of work that are safe and without risk to health to safeguard the work safety of construction workers. Workers shall also co-operate with contractors and employers, take all safety measures, and use the provided personal protective equipment properly to avoid endangering the work safety of themselves and others.

  The LD reiterates that safeguarding the occupational safety and health (OSH) of construction workers is one of the top priorities of the LD. The LD will continue to conduct SEOs targeting high-risk processes. If any violations of OSH legislation are detected, appropriate actions will be taken according to the law.