Hong Kong – DH clarifies that staff taking part in large-scale drills will not in any way affect treatment of patients


DH clarifies that staff taking part in large-scale drills will not in any way affect treatment of patients


     ​In response to media reports on the participation of the Department of Health’s (DH) staff in the large-scale drills, the DH today (January 12) stressed that no patients requiring treatment will be affected. There are minor adjustments to the appointment dates for student health services (non-therapeutic), but all have been agreed by the members of the public concerned and only two appointments will be postponed by one working day, while the others will be brought forward by two to ten working days.

     “In connection with the two large-scale drills to be held at the Kai Tak Sports Park on January 24 and February 4, the DH has to deploy about 1 700 staff to participate in the drills. In accordance with the instruction issued by the Civil Service Bureau to make advanced preparations for the manpower deployment for the upcoming drills, respective Service Heads should deploy their staff to take part in the drills according to their actual operational situations and endeavour to avoid any disruption to public services,” a spokesman for the DH said. 

     “Following the allocation of staff, the Student Health Service brought forward the appointment dates of 13 cases by two to ten working days and postponed the appointment dates of two cases by one working day, with the agreement of the individuals concerned. The Student Health Service provides regular health assessment and health education of a preventive nature to students. No patients requiring treatment have been affected as a result.”

     The DH is committed to protecting the health of the people of Hong Kong through promotive and preventive services. With regard to the deployment of staff to participate in future drills, the DH will make more careful planning and strengthen internal co-ordination to endeavour to avoid any disruption to public services.