Hong Kong – Government posts land resumption notices for public housing developments at Site 4a (Remaining Part) of Kam Tin South, Yuen Long


Government posts land resumption notices for public housing developments at Site 4a (Remaining Part) of Kam Tin South, Yuen Long


     The Lands Department today (December 19) posted land resumption notices in accordance with section 4 of the Lands Resumption Ordinance (Chapter 124) for the implementation of public housing developments at Site 4a (Remaining Part) of Kam Tin South, Yuen Long.
     Three private lots with a total area of about 9 400 square metres will be resumed. The said land will revert to the Government upon the expiry of a period of three months from the date of affixing the notices (i.e. March 20, 2025).
     The Government will maintain close liaison with the relevant land owners and affected parties, and properly handle their compensation and rehousing matters.
     The public housing developments at Site 4a (Remaining Part) of Kam Tin South, Yuen Long, will provide about 700 public housing units upon completion.