Hong Kong – InvestHK strengthens economic ties between Hong Kong and MENA region (with photos)


InvestHK strengthens economic ties between Hong Kong and MENA region (with photos)


     Invest Hong Kong (InvestHK) announced today (November 26) that it has opened a new office in Cairo, Egypt, to enhance its effort in attracting companies from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region to set up or expand their businesses in Hong Kong. It also aims to foster economic and business co-operation with the MENA region.

     Attending the seventh HK International Egyptian Folklore and Oriental Dance Festival today, which is supported by the Consulate General of Egypt in Hong Kong, the Director-General of Investment Promotion at InvestHK, Ms Alpha Lau, said, “On this delightful occasion, I am happy to announce that InvestHK has opened a new Cairo office to foster closer economic ties between Hong Kong and Egypt.”

     She added, “We aim to support corporates in Egypt and the MENA region to establish their businesses in Hong Kong and to further strengthen the business and economic ties between Hong Kong and the MENA region. The opening of our first office in Cairo is a very significant step toward this goal. Corporates from Egypt and the MENA region can make use of Hong Kong as a perfect gateway to Asia and pave the way for a new horizon.”

     The Principal Consultant of the Cairo office at InvestHK, Mr Sherif El Bidewy, said, “We are honoured to be selected as the consultant of InvestHK in the region to attract local companies setting up or expanding in Hong Kong. Hong Kong has always been one of the most attractive business hubs in Asia and the world for its advanced infrastructure and enabling business environment. We will do our best to assist companies from Egypt and the MENA region to set up or expand in the city.”

     He added, “In fact, we already arranged a successful visit for the Head of Business and Professional Services at InvestHK, Mr Herman Tse, to Cairo and South Africa last month. It included meetings with various senior government officials and speaking at roundtables and events in the two places to promote Hong Kong as the leading destination for business and investment in the region.”

     The opening of the new office in Cairo is part of the plan mentioned in the 2024-25 Budget to strengthen Hong Kong’s economic and trade relations with the Middle East.