Hong Kong – Hong Kong Public Libraries commends awardees of Reading Programme for Children and Youth (with photos)


Hong Kong Public Libraries commends awardees of Reading Programme for Children and Youth (with photos)


     The Hong Kong Public Libraries (HKPL) of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department held a certificate presentation ceremony at the Hong Kong Central Library today (November 23) to commend its members who had participated in the 2023-24 Reading Programme for Children and Youth.
     The programme continues to receive an overwhelming response and has recruited over 8 000 new members this year. Twenty-four members received Star of the Month awards for their reading reports, among which the nine best were awarded Reading Supernova. Nineteen members of the programme participating in the most sessions of the Monthly Meeting of Joyful Reading were awarded Elite of Joyful Reading medals.
     The HKPL is committed to promoting reading and hopes that schools can encourage students to register for the programme. The Most Active School in Promoting Participation awards were presented to schools that successfully nominated the largest number of members in the year. This year’s awards went to Chinese Methodist School, Tanner Hill; HKFYG Lee Shau Kee Primary School; SKH Tin Wan Chi Nam Primary School; Ho Ngai College (Sponsored by Sik Sik Yuen); and Tak Oi Secondary School.

     Five schools with the highest total number of books read by their nominated members received the Most Active School in Promoting Reading awards. The winning schools are W F Joseph Lee Primary School, Hong Kong Baptist Convention Primary School, Tseung Kwan O Methodist Primary School, SKH Yan Laap Primary School and SKH Tin Wan Chi Nam Primary School.
     Targeting children and youth from kindergarten to Secondary Six, the Reading Programme aims at arousing their reading interest, cultivating their reading habits, and encouraging them to share their reading tips and the joy of reading with other people. To promote paired reading, children from kindergarten to Primary Three can join the family category with their parents. People interested in participating in the Reading Programme may contact any public library or visit www.hkpl.gov.hk/rp.
     This year’s Reading Supernova winning works are now on display at the foyer of the South Entrance of Hong Kong Central Library until November 27. A roving exhibition will also be held at various public libraries later.