Canada – Notice Of Intent: Revised Procedure For Category A, B, And L Application Data Deficiencies In Science Review (NOI2024-01)


Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the revised procedure for Category A, B, And L application data deficiencies in science review. Notice of Intent NOI2024-01 is a consultation document that informs the Canadian public and stakeholders that Health Canada intends to implement a limit of two opportunities to address recurring Review Stage data deficiencies in Category A, B, and L applications to register or amend the registration of a pest control product. The limit is specific to data deficiencies, or deficiencies in application completeness described under section 7 of the Pest Control Products Act. The PMRA intends to make a targeted revision to the Management of Submissions Policy (MOSP) Section 4.2.1 (Science Evaluation) to reflect this limit. It is anticipated that the revised procedure will improve decision-making time and overall program performance. This proposal does not affect the scientific review itself, only the administration of recurring data deficiencies within a data element.

How to get involved
This consultation is open for comment from 22 November 2024 to 22 December 2024 (30 calendar days). Open the Notice of Intent NOI2024-01 to access the document.

The PMRA will consider written comments regarding this Notice of Intent up to 30 days after the date of publication of this document.

Please forward your comments to the PMRA’s Publications Section, and include:

Your full name and organization;
Your phone number; and,
Your complete mailing address or email address.

Reporting to Canadians
Health Canada will make the results of this consultation available on this website. The Policy and Guidelines web page will be updated with a copy of the MOSP revised as described in this Notice.

If you have any questions, contact the Pest Management Information Service.

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