Rhythms of Resistance: Embodiment & Liberation with Puma Camillê (Brazil) & Intercultural Roots (UK)


Rhythms of Resistance highlights CapoeiraVogue as a liberatory practice, empowering Black, LGBTQIAPN+, and historically oppressed bodies. It positions the body as a vital key for transformative, self-authored change.

Photographer: Caio Oviedoand. Puma Camille.

Photographer: Caio Oviedoand. Puma Camille.

LONDONNov. 2, 2024PRLog — Intercultural Roots for Public Health (UK) and Puma Camillê Produções (Brazil) are excited to announce that their project, Rhythms of Resistance: Embodiment and Liberation, has been awarded £75,000 through a British Council International Collaboration Grant. This project was one of only 23 selected for funding from over 1,400 global applications, underscoring its powerful potential for social change through the arts.
Rhythms of Resistance explores CapoeiraVogue as technology of liberation for Black, LGBTQIAPN+, and other historically oppressed bodies, positioning the body as key to unlocking the transformative potential of these practices of transgressive self-authorship.

The project dialogues between embodiment, ritual, and resistance, undertaking an artistic survey of the multiplicity of ways in which the performance aesthetics of resistance offered by Capoeira and Vogue functions as rhythmic strategies of liberation for Black, LGBTQIAPN+, and other historically oppressed bodies. The partners believe that the opposite of dispossessed is embodied, emphasising that the body is essential in unlocking the transformative potential of these practices. Offline and online provocations, augmented by digital innovation, will culminate in the production of an art film and an original sonograph, accompanied by an educational series and codex of text anthologising the process.


Puma Camille Produções x Arte Radical e Raízes Interculturais: Um diálogo entre corporificação, ritual e resistência. O projeto explora as múltiplas formas pelas quais as estéticas performáticas de resistência, expressas através da Capoeira e do Vogue, atuam como estratégias rítmicas de libertação para corpos negros, LGBTQIAP e outros historicamente oprimidos. Acreditamos que a antítese do despossuído é o corpo plenamente corporificado, posicionando-o como a chave para desbloquear o potencial transformador dessas práticas de autoria transgressiva.

Join Us on the Journey Intercultural Roots invites artists, creatives, and cultural practitioners worldwide to connect with Rhythms of Resistance for ongoing project updates. Visit the Rhythms of Resistance https://www.interculturalroots.org/project/rhythms-of-res… page to stay informed about developments and opportunities to participate. We encourage you to join GIRIC: tinyurl.com/IRGIRIC , one of Intercultural Roots’ communities focused on ‘arts for health and social change,’ and follow us f or additional updates and resources.

About Intercultural Roots and Puma Camillê Produções
Puma Camillê Produções
is the production company of leading Brazilian multidisciplinary artist Puma Camillê, whose hybrid performance style combines Capoeira with voguing. Born in São Paulo, Puma discovered the Vogue scene while traveling to Capoeira events and noticed similarities in their shared philosophy of resistance and rebellion. Through her experiences as a Black trans woman, Puma found in both forms a sense of defiance, each rooted in a search for freedom: Capoeira as a form of resistance against slavery and voguing as a celebration of queer identities amid LGBTQIA-phobic landscapes.

Intercultural Roots for Public Health is a UK charity that researches arts for health and social change, focusing on practices for inclusive community empowerment and environmental action. Through innovative projects and collaborations, Intercultural Roots strives to influence social and environmental impact, tackling issues of equity, racial justice, and oppression while promoting ecological wellbeing.