Hong Kong – Basic Law Quiz Competition opens for application


Basic Law Quiz Competition opens for application


The following is issued on behalf of the Committee on the Promotion of Civic Education:
     The Home and Youth Affairs Bureau, the Committee on the Promotion of Civic Education (CPCE) and the Local Community Sub-group under the Working Group on Constitution, Basic Law and Hong Kong National Security Law of the Constitution and Basic Law Promotion Steering Committee are launching a new round of the Basic Law Quiz Competition to enhance Hong Kong people’s understanding of the relationship between the Constitution and the Basic Law, the Basic Law and its history as well as national security. The entry round of the Competition opens from today (October 31) for application. Members of the public are welcome to join the Competition.
     The Competition comprises the Family Category, Senior Primary School Category, Secondary School Category and Open Category. Participants shall answer 20 quiz questions and submit their applications via the Competition website. The deadline of the entry round is December 31.
     Participants who have answered all questions in the entry round and successfully submitted their applications will have the opportunity to receive a Civic Education Calendar 2025 by mail while stocks last. Upon closing of the entry round, those with the best performance in each category will be selected by ballot to attend the Quiz Final and Prize Presentation Ceremony tentatively scheduled for April 2025. Attendees may have a chance to compete in question sessions for prizes.
     The CPCE is a non-statutory committee that liaises with related government departments and community organisations in promoting civic education outside schools, and encourages all sectors of the community to actively promote civic awareness and assume civic responsibility.
     For details, please visit the Competition website at www.cpce.gov.hk/basiclaw2024-25 or call 2880 2885.