Switch4good, Plant Powered Metro New York Invite New Yorkers to Walk the High Line With Olympic Medalist Dotsie Bausch on November 1


Note: Attendees of all fitness abilities are welcome. You do not have to be a registered New York City Marathon runner to attend this free event. Attendees are also welcome to exit the High Line at any point during the walk at their leisure.

WHO: Switch4Good founder and Olympic medalist Dotsie Bausch is partnering with the super team at Plant Powered Metro New York to host this free event to kick off pre-New York City Marathon festivities.

Author and trainer Kirk Charles, the founder of Bike America, which promotes cardio exercise and a plant-based lifestyle to combat metabolic disease in the Black community, will also be in attendance for this exciting, free event.

WHEN: The meetup will commence at 8 a.m. ET on Nov. 1 with an introduction from Olympic medalist Dotsie Bausch. The walk will begin around 8:30 a.m. ET. The walk-and-talk should last approximately one hour, concluding around 9:30 a.m. ET.

WHERE: Locations for media to meet and photograph/record video of Olympic medalist Dotsie Bausch and attendees, as well as for those interested in participating in the walk, include:

Beginning High Line Plinth: 499 W 30th St, New York, NY 10001.
Midpoint High Line Observation Deck: near 10th Ave. and W. 17th St.
Finish High Line Plinth: 499 W 30th St, New York, NY 10001.

To coordinate photos and videos of the event, learn more about how Switch4Good and Plant Powered Metro New York both work to empower individuals through plant-based nutrition, or to schedule an interview with vegan Olympic medalist and Switch4Good founder Dotsie Bausch, contact jamieb ( @ ) switch4good dot org dot

About Switch4Good
Switch4Good is an evidence-based nonprofit that advocates for a dairy-free world and plant-based living. Founded in 2018 by Olympic medalist Dotsie Bausch, Switch4Goods mission is to combat the distortion and disrupt the misinformation fed to us by the dairy industry. Switch4Good partnered with health experts, athletes, and the International Olympic Committee to write the first playbook for plant-based athletes titled Let the Plant-based Games Begin. The organization teamed up with Washington legislators to introduce the ADD SOY Act, a bill currently before Congress to get soy milk added as an option in U.S. schools. Switch4Goods new Kids and Dairy Symptoms program (KiDS) is purposed with educating doctors, dietitians, and parents about the harm drinking cows milk does to kids. For more information, please visit www.switch4good.org.

About Plant Powered Metro New York
Plant Powered Metro New York empowers diverse local communities to find better health and overcome chronic disease through whole food, plant-based nutrition. PPMNY offers evidence-based education, resources, and support to create community and inspire change throughout the New York metropolitan area.
