Hong Kong – Appointments to Occupational Retirement Schemes Appeal Board


Appointments to Occupational Retirement Schemes Appeal Board


     The Financial Secretary, in exercise of the authority under the Occupational Retirement Schemes Ordinance (Cap. 426) (ORSO) delegated to him by the Chief Executive, has reappointed Ms Giovanna Kwong Fung-ping and Ms Miranda So Man-wah as the Chairman and the Deputy Chairman of the Occupational Retirement Schemes Appeal Board (ORSAB) respectively. He has also appointed Mr Roy Leung Sze-kit, and reappointed Ms Hilda Lam and Mr Lewis Law Chung-ming as members of the ORSAB. The appointments are for a term of two years, effective from October 1, 2024, until September 30, 2026, both dates inclusive.

     Welcoming the appointments today (September 27), a spokesperson for the Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau said, “The ORSAB is empowered by section 61 of the ORSO to hear appeals against certain decisions of the Registrar of Occupational Retirement Schemes. We believe that with members’ professional knowledge and extensive experience, the ORSAB will continue to serve as an effective safeguard to ensure the fairness and reasonableness of the relevant regulatory decisions.”

     The spokesperson also thanked the outgoing member, Mr Eric Tong, for his valuable contributions to the ORSAB over the past six years.

     The new membership of the ORSAB is as follows:

Ms Giovanna Kwong Fung-ping

Deputy Chairman
Ms Miranda So Man-wah

Ms Hilda Lam
Mr Lewis Law Chung-ming
Mr Roy Leung Sze-kit