Entertainment Decodes By Shaking My Head Productions


Shaking My Head Productions offers video, photo, and article content to the public. SMHP decodes movies, tv, video games, advertisements, news and much more.

Holywood movie, television, video game, and advertisement decodes will open your eyes to the hidden language those that write the script speak. It’s a hidden language that they share. If you don’t understand it, it’s on you for being fooled.

Check out the Truth Vault on Shaking My Head Productions. A picture is worth a thousand words and SMHP has thousands of images with textual content explaining the hidden meaning. Most of the media content your are fed today has several layers and meaning. There is the exoteric for the general masses. Then there is esoteric for the illuminated ones that understanding it’s true meaning.

Take a journey through time and see how the masses are manipulated into believing what they see on their tvs, smart phones, and other black mirror devices. Shaking My Head Productions also has survival guide information. Be prepared if and when the system goes dark.

You are taught to be a certain way from the cradle to the grave. Shaking My Head Productions puts everything under a honest light and shows it for what it truly is. Come check out all the great decode content on SMHP today for free!

About Shaking My Head Productions

Shaking My Head Productions offers video, photo, and article content to the public. SMHP decodes movies, tv, video games, advertisements, news and much more.