Asia Book of Records Honours MMTC-PAMP as Continent’s Purest Gold and Silver Coins/Bars Brand


Discerning investors often advise diversifying investment portfolios by adding precious metals such as gold and silver to the mix. These metals are ideal for long-term investment growth along with providing generational value. Gold and often silver, act as a safeguard during reduced economic opportunities. Thus, investing or purchasing the highest carat, purest gold and silver is of the utmost importance.

In this endeavour, MMTC-PAMP, India’s only London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) – accredited Good Delivery Gold and Silver refiner, has been recognised as Asia’s only brand providing the purest gold and silver minted coins and bars with 999.9+ (99.99%+) purity level and positive weight tolerance, which means consumers and investors get a product weighing more than the stated weight on the packaging.

Many players in Asia offer 24K gold, which can be represented as 999 fineness. This 999-fineness gold is 999 parts pure gold out of 1,000 parts, with small traces of balance metals, usually copper. MMTC-PAMP consistently provide minted gold and silver coins and bars with the highest purity level at 999.9+ (99.99%+), meaning, customers will receive over 999.9 grams of gold or silver out of 1,000 grams of the respective precious metal. It is also the only gold refiner to use pure silver as the balance metal, thus providing customers with a more valuable minted gold product.

Speaking on the honour and recognition of this award, Mr Vikas Singh, Managing Director and CEO, MMTC-PAMP, said, “We are truly thrilled to receive this honour from the Asia Book of Records, which builds upon our previous recognition from the India Book of Records. This continental achievement reflects our commitment to providing our valuable customers with products that exemplify the pinnacle of purity and craftsmanship, with 999.9+ (99.99%+) purest gold and silver minted products. At MMTC-PAMP, our products not only serve as invaluable investments for our customers but also highlight India’s growing prominence in the global precious metals market.”

By aiming to surpass the conventional 999.9 purity, MMTC-PAMP seeks to establish a new gold standard for the industry. This record attempt is not just about breaking records; it’s about redefining what customers can expect from the gold they invest in.

Every product created by MMTC-PAMP goes through a rigorous purification process to ensure 999.9+ purity of the metal. To validate the authenticity, every MMTC-PAMP product carries a unique number and comes packaged in Assayer Certified Minted Cards. Each gold and silver product bought from MMTC-PAMP offers positive weight tolerance, which guarantees that every coin or bar one buys weighs more than the listed weight, ensuring customers receive the highest value for their investment.