EMPERRA® presents convincing efficacy data for its digital diabetes management platform ESYSTA®


EMPERRA has always focused on medical effectiveness, combined with the participation of patients and practitioners through efficient digital networking. Dr. med. Janko Schildt (CEO and founder): “I am delighted that we have now been able to provide comprehensive scientific proof. This means that our digital device-independent platform ESYSTA can be used with a high level of medical evidence for the benefit of patients and to relieve the burden on diabetes treatment teams in our core market of Germany in the long term. This also makes ESYSTA an attractive system for all health insurance companies in terms of health economics.”

Prof. Dr. med. Peter Schwarz (head of the three consecutive study projects of ESYSTA and President of the International Diabetes Federation – IDF) explains: “Due to its uniqueness, ESYSTA has many starting points for improving treatment, especially for insulin-treated patients in the diabetes mellitus therapy segment. I consider the available positive scientific results to be decisive in the further process towards the extensive prescribability of ESYSTA . The current data show a faster reduction in the long-term marker HbA1c in poorly controlled patients, even in people with diabetes who are included in the so-called disease management programs (DMPs). ESYSTA also has a reinforcing effect when used with GLP-1 analogues (so-called weight loss injections). I am confident that these medical effects will also be recognized by experts outside Germany. In a few years’ time, we should therefore see ESYSTA as part of the digital standard procedures for the treatment of specific diabetes patient groups, and not just in Germany.”

The diabetes management platform ESYSTA – with its CE approval as a medical device and data and information security in accordance with ISO 27001 – can improve therapy adherence and compliance on the patient side with the ESYSTA app. ESYSTA allows the connection of many blood glucose meters and “smart” insulin pens as well as digital disposable pen caps to the platform. On the healthcare professional’s side, seamless, largely automatically collected data is thus transparently available for highly qualified and efficient therapy support via the ESYSTA online portal.

Dr. med. Horst Mertens (COO/CBDO) adds: “The ESYSTA platform has shown that diabetes management can be easily, safely and digitally integrated into treatment processes. As part of the planned German market launch in Germany, EMPERRA has set itself the goal of generating further scientific data through a large-scale non-interventional study (NIS). The renowned FIDAM (Diabetes Research Institute, Bad Mergentheim) will be involved in this process. Based on this, ESYSTA will also be used in other international projects.”

EMPERRA is currently focusing on the application process for a permanent DiHA listing and discussions with health insurance companies and strategic partners. A current financing round is still open for interested investors.




EMPERRA GmbH -E-Health Technologies
Zeppelinstrae 48a
14471 Potsdam / Germany
Dr. med. Horst Mertens, M.D., MBA / COO and CBDO
P: +4933197934800
E: h.mertens ( @ ) emperra dot com
