Dr. Stefie Deeds Featured in New York Times Article on Innovative Obesity Treatment Approach


 Dr. Stefie Deeds, a Seattle-based internist and obesity medicine specialist, was recently featured in a New York Times article exploring the emerging “obesity first” approach to treating chronic diseases. The article, published on June 18, 2024, highlights how treating obesity with medications can lead to improvements in other health conditions.

Dr. Deeds, who runs a private practice in Seattle, is at the forefront of this innovative treatment approach. “We are treating the medical condition of obesity and its related complications at the same time,” Dr. Deeds explained in the article.

The New York Times piece prominently features one of Dr. Deeds’ patients who experienced significant improvements in her arthritis and high blood pressure after being prescribed Wegovy, a new obesity medication. She not only lost over 50 pounds but also found that her arthritis symptoms improved and she no longer needed blood pressure medication.

Dr. Deeds’ approach exemplifies a growing movement in obesity medicine that focuses on addressing obesity as a primary condition, rather than solely treating its related health issues separately. This method has shown promising results in improving various chronic conditions associated with obesity.

“Being featured by The New York Times for our approach to obesity treatment is a tremendous honor,” said Dr. Deeds. “It underscores the importance of considering obesity as a treatable medical condition that can have far-reaching effects on a patient’s overall health.”

For more information about Dr. Deeds’ approach to obesity treatment or to schedule an interview, please contact:

Stefie Deeds, MD

About Dr. Stefanie (Stefie) Deeds:
Dr. Stefie Deeds is an internist and obesity medicine specialist based in Seattle, Washington. She is the founder of Deeds Health, a membership-based clinic for weight management and primary care. With experience in treating obesity and related conditions, Dr. Deeds is committed to providing patient-centered evidence-based care and exploring innovative approaches to improve health outcomes.

Deeds Health
Dr. Stefie Deeds



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