‘Injured By A Vegan?’ Campaign Promotes Plant-Based Lifestyle By Parodying Ambulance Chaser Billboards


Vegan organization creates fictional “Loudermilk & Associates” law firm, a hilarious send-up of the unabated proliferation of personal injury attorneys.

LOS ANGELES, CA—June 3, 2024—The plant-based advocacy organization, Eat Differently, has launched a new “Hate Vegans?” ad campaign that, through humor and parody, hopes to drive in-depth discussions about the real reasons vegans care so much and what we can all do, right now in our lives, to change the world.

This groundbreaking comedic campaign, which officially launches today in Los Angeles, features a comprehensive marketing campaign including billboards throughout the area, TV and radio commercials on channels such as Hulu and Spotify, and a massive social and influencer strategy. People can go to the hatevegans.com website to find out how the injuries they’ve sustained from preachy vegans could be turned into massive settlements from Seymour Loudermilk and his legal team.

The organization created Seymour Loudermilk, “one of the East San Fernando Valley’s most established personal injury attorneys,” who has announced that his firm, Loudermilk & Associates, has begun handling injury claims for citizens who have been harmed by the words or actions of vegan zealots.

Some of Loudermilk’s “wins” include trauma from vegan medical advice from doctors, and protection from facts surrounding where your meat and dairy actually come from. In the words of Seymour, “If you’ve ever been made to feel uncomfortable by a vegan about that triple bacon cheeseburger you enjoyed right before your stent replacement surgery, then you’ve come to the right place!”

It is quickly apparent that the website, along with the 866-hate-vegans phone number, has been developed to encourage meat and dairy eaters to “share their hate” for vegans. Once there, they are greeted by pro-vegan messaging such as the health benefits of eating a diet of plants, not animals, along with the positive effects on the planet and the welfare of the animals.

The campaign runs in Greater Los Angeles. Additional cities will be added.

View commercials and listen to the radio spot here.


Eat Differently, LLC was formed in 2023 as a public service resource. The Eat Differently mission is to inspire the world to eat plants, not animals. @eatlikeanicon eatdifferently.com



Jim Amos