Hong Kong – Hospital Authority announces senior appointment (with photo)


Hospital Authority announces senior appointment (with photo)


The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority.

     The Hospital Authority (HA) spokesperson announced the following senior appointment today (May 30):

     Dr So Wing-yee will be appointed as Hospital Chief Executive (HCE) of North District Hospital with effect from tomorrow (May 31).

     Dr So is a specialist in endocrinology, diabetes and metabolism by background. She is an experienced senior executive and clinical leader with a strong background in healthcare management at both the corporate and cluster levels. Dr So is currently the HCE of Bradbury Hospice, Cheshire Home, Shatin (SCH) and Shatin Hospital (SH), as well as the Clinical Stream Coordinator (Medicine) of the New Territories East Cluster (NTEC). She has achieved notable accomplishments in recent years in driving improvements in patient care in the NTEC, such as shortening medicine specialist outpatient clinic waiting times, as well as implementing the 24-hour Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention and Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-cell Therapy services. In addition, Dr So promulgated Advanced Care Planning (ACP) among infirmary patients in the SCH and pioneered a “Co-Care” model for geriatric patients with traumatic head injury in SH. She has also effectively mobilised community resources to support hospital service development and played a significant role in the review of the NTEC Clinical Service Plan.

     The HA Chairman, Mr Henry Fan, and Chief Executive, Dr Tony Ko, congratulate Dr So on her new appointment and wish her every success in taking up the new role.