During the exhibition, visitors will be able to see the Axon V, functioning and producting components for the battery industry. The Axon V (https://ronchinimassimo.com/en/cnc-milling-machines/axonv/) is the companct milling machine with 4.6kW high frequency electrospindle, that has the best ratio in the industry between working area and footprint. Being space a big issue in machine shops, Ronchini Massimo focused on the designing on a machine that could give added value to the CNC production, in a minimum space.
The Axon V is capable of milling aluminium, brass, copper and plastics. Ir is equipped with automatic tool changer, with a maximum of 100 positions, Renishaw probing system, lubricatiion system and can reach an accuracy of 0.01mm.
For more info