Copywriter-Turned-Christian Author A. L. Smith Schedules PRLF Exhibit for Book On Authentic Encounters with Jesus Like the Woman at the Well


A. L. Smith is a copywriter who discovered her passion for writing in the midst of tragedy. The hope that she had discovered stems from her faith, which she has decided to share in the form of a new book titled Women at the Well. As part of her plans to better circulate the book, she has arranged to have it displayed at the outdoor book exhibits of the upcoming Printers Row Lit Fest.

San Diego, CA – WEBWIRE

Gods love does not stop, even when one thinks themselves unworthy or believe their lifestyle does not line up with His Word. Hes always there for everyone to encounter.

The Printers Row Lit Fest (PRLF) is one of the largest outdoor book exhibits in America, all while also celebrating the city of Chicagos unique contribution to the history of U.S. publishing. During this event, the streets along the venue offer everyone an exciting chance to discover new ideas and stories. Likewise, many independent authors see the event as an opportunity to carry on the tradition of literature as a means to foster the diversity of ideas.

Hence, for Christian motivational author A. L. Smith, the PRLF is the ideal venue to display her own book, titled Women at the Well: Journey to an Authentic Encounter with Jesus, on rediscovering her Christian faith in a way thats empowering, genuine and self-motivating.

Women at the Well is a book that uses the story of Jesus meeting with the Samaritan woman at the well as a way to help readers understand the real meaning of encountering Him. The book challenges long-held notions about the need to be worthy of Gods love and makes a case for why that is not the essence of Christianity.

Women at the Well is one of Smiths newest books as well as one thats very close to her heart. Her faith is directly connected to how she found her passion for writing in the midst of tragedy. Today, she runs her own copywriting business but wants to do more in using her words to inspire others.

Visitors to this years Printers Row Lit Fest can find Women at the Well: Journey to an Authentic Encounter with Jesus on display at the self-publishing and book marketing company ReadersMagnets exhibit. The fair will take place on September 7-8, 2024, at its historic venue, Printers Row Park, 620 S. Dearborn St (Ida B Wells & Polk), Chicago, IL. Get a copy of A. L. Smiths book on Amazon.

Women at the Well: Journey to an Authentic Encounter with Jesus
Author: Author A. L. Smith
Published date: May 5, 2024
Publisher: B4 Real Publishing LLC
Genre: Spirituality

Author Bio
A.L. Smith 36 years old Author of over 10 books some written under other names. She found her passion for writing in the midst of tragedy, When I felt inaudible, writing gave me back my voice. Smith wrote her first book at age 15 and has her own copywriting business, 50-Leven Productions LLC, where she uses her writing gift to help others.