The NFB at the 2024 Sommets du cin�ma d’animation: a wave of premieres



TheNFBis making animpressivereturnto MontrealsSommets du cinma danimation(May 611), with11productions and co-productions screening as world premieresincludingLe tableau(The Painting), by Michle Lemieux, made with the famous Alexeeff-Parker pinscreen, and LOCA, by Vronique Paquette. The festivalsclosing filmwill be Loc DarsesGraverlhomme: arrt sur Pierre Hbert (Scratches of Life: The Art of Pierre Hbert). Additionally, filmmaker Arash Akhgari will be giving anArtists Talkabout his new filmIn the Shallows (En surface), which is also receiving itsworld premiere. Films from the14th edition of the Hothouse mentorshipforemerging animators across Canadawill be having theirworld premieresas well.

Many of thefilmsin this rich selection at the Sommets have their roots invarious other artforms, such as poetry, dance and visual art.

Canadian Competition

Le tableau (The Painting)by Michle Lemieux (NFB, 11min 56s) WORLDPREMIERE

  • Avirtuosoof theAlexeeff-Parker pinscreen, filmmaker Michle Lemieux created this troubling yet tender film that revisits thetragic fate of Queen Mariana of Austriaand her 1652 portrait by painterVelzquez.

LOCAby Vronique Paquette (NFB, 5min 19s) WORLDPREMIERE

  • Through theenergy of tango, a woman finds apath to freedominLOCAbyVronique Paquette. This short film from the lastCinaste recherch(e)competition will also bescreenedoutdoors on theEsplanade Tranquille.

In the Shallows (En surface)by Arash Akhgari (NFB, 4min) WORLDPREMIERE

  • Through a carefully choreographed collision of hand-madesculptural collagesandink and paint animation,In the Shallowstakes us on a deep dive into theshallowandfragmented worldof news, entertainment and ads.

Les gens dans larmoire (Society of Clothes)by Dahee Jeong (Miyu Productions/Between the Pictures/NFB, 15min7s) WORLDPREMIERE

  • When morning arrives, a shirt and a pair of pants step outside the closet, transforming into a human figure.Dahee Jeonghas earnedinternational recognition, notably atCannes Directors Fortnightand theAnnecyfestival, where she won aCristal for short films.

My World, Your Melodyby Bianca Shonee Arroyo-Kreimes (NFB, 1min 34s) WORLDPREMIERE

  • Achoir of tropical frogsperformsinfectious popin delightfully unsettling animation. Produced as part of the14th editionof the NFBsHothouse

Not Enough Womb for the Two of Usby Cameron Kletke (NFB, 1min 46s) WORLDPREMIERE

  • Anin uteroskirmish between twins, created with spacious hand-drawn animation, watercolours and pastel that plunge us into acomic battle of wills. Produced as part of the14th editionofHothouse.

Misrable miracle (Miserable Miracle)by Ryo Orikasa (Miyu Productions/NFB/New Deer, 8min)

  • Inspired by thepoemsanddrawingsofHenri Michaux,Miserable Miracletakes animation to the breathtaking limits of language and perception. The film won theGrand Prize for Short Animationat theOttawa International Animation Festival(OIAF) and was selected to screen at theClermont-Ferrand Festival.

Aphasie (Aphasia)by Marielle Dalp (NFB, 3min45s)

  • Aphasiais anunsettling sensory experiencethat immerses us in theworld of people with Alzheimers diseasewho are facing thelossof theirlanguage capabilities. The film has been selected to screen at manyfestivalsinCanadaandaround the world.

Wide-Angle (non-competitive)

Corpus and the Wanderingby Jo Roy (NFB, 7min 13s) WORLDPREMIERE

  • One dancer, one body, one phone. In a time of collective alienation and technological mass control, one woman rediscovers her soul and reclaims her mind in thisshort, experimental self-portrait,composed of100 video screensand made usingmixed techniques.

Dont Let the Sun Catch You Cryingby Natalie Baird and Toby Gillies (NFB, 7min 6s) WORLDPREMIERE

  • In thisanimated and live-action short, Edith Almadis imagination transcends grief, revealing avibrant world of art where love endures. This poetic piece celebrates life and thetransformative ability of artto elevate and transcend us.

The Last Tangoby Mochi Lin (NFB, 1min 42s) WORLDPREMIERE

  • Drawn to unorthodox materials and themes, Mochi Lin works with diaphanous stockings and acetate to depictcourtship in the insect world. Produced as part of the14th editionofHothouse.

Unblendingby Michele Ku (NFB, 1min 38s) WORLDPREMIERE

  • For people living withstructural dissociation, falling asleep can be a challengea time whenmultiple contradictory thoughtsconspire tokeep you awake. Produced as part of the14th editionofHothouse.

Pierre Hbert: closing film and Ren Jodoin Award

Closing Film

Graver lhomme: arrt sur Pierre Hbert(Scratches of Life: The Art of Pierre Hbert)by Loc Darses (NFB, 75min)WORLDPREMIERE

  • At the behest of the NFBs French Animation Unit, Loc Darses (Where the Land Ends) examines the career ofoutstanding animation filmmaker Pierre Hbert. Employing a delicateblack-and-whiteapproach, punctuated with flashes of animation, the film follows the Ariadnes thread ofscratch-on-filmanimation, taking us into theinspiring labyrinthof Hbertslife and work. The documentary opens onMay 12at theCinmathque qubcoise.

Ren Jodoin Award

This year, the award goes toPierre Hbert, honouring theexemplary careerof this importantfigure inCanadian animation. Hbert worked at theNFBfrom1965 to 2000. He will soon be marking60 yearsas afilmmaker,performerandvisual artist.

Artists Talk

Presented by theSommets du cinma danimationand theNFB, thisArtists Talkby Iranian-born filmmakerArash Akhgariwill take place onSaturday, May 11,at theCinmathque qubcoise. The filmmaker will discuss the creative process behind his filmIn the Shallows(En surface), produced by the NFB and screening in the Sommets Canadian Competition.

Hothouse 14

Movie lovers will get an opportunity to view thesix animated shortsincluding Akash JonesAmmaand Jenny Yujia ShisRed Star Alleyproduced as part of theHothouseprogram foremerging animators across Canada. Ascreeningwill take place at theCinmathque qubcoise TerraceonThursday, May 9.All six films will also be screened outdoors the next day,Friday, May 10, at theEsplanade Tranquille.

Theodore Ushev retrospective and exhibition

OnFriday, May 10, at 5:30 p.m., the Sommets will present aretrospective of short filmsby filmmakerTheodore Ushev, many of which were produced at theNFB. Youll be able to seeThe Physics of Sorrow,Demoni,Tower Bawher,Drux Flux,Gloria Victoria,Lipsett Diaries,SonmbuloandNightingales in December. In addition, a majorexhibitiondevoted to the artist,The Matter of Memory, will make itsCanadian premiereat the Cinmathque qubcoise fromMay 3 to September 22.


About the NFB

Founded in 1939, the National Film Board of Canada (NFB) is a one-of-a-kind producer, co-producer and distributor of distinctive, engaging, relevant and innovative documentary and animated films. As a talent incubator, it is one of the worlds leading creative centres. The NFB has enabled Canadians to tell and hear each others stories for over eight decades, and its films are a reliable and accessible educational resource. The NFB is also recognized around the world for its expertise in preservation and conservation, and for its rich and vibrant collection of works, which form a pillar of Canadas cultural heritage. To date, the NFB has produced more than 14,000 works, 6,500 of which can be streamed free of charge NFB and its productionsand co-productionshave earned over 7,000 awards, including 11 Oscars andan Honorary Academy Award for overall excellence in cinema.