California, long the symbol of global tech innovation leadership, fell to third place on our Tech Innovation scenario this month, behind Utah and now Colorado, said BizWorld founder Tim Draper. This reflects the long-term impact of the states economic policies and regulatory burdens, which have made it a less welcoming, more challenging business environment for entrepreneurs, startups, and investors; these barriers affect all industries, even the largest and most famous tech firms. Californias tax climate is also pushing out businesses and entrepreneurs, hindering its long-term economic growth.
Top Takeaways from the DII US April 2024 Update:
While maintaining its 1 st place in both the DII Balanced and Regulatory and Tax scenario, Florida rose from 7 th to 6 th in the Tech Innovation scenario thanks to healthy gains in both venture capital investment trends and cryptocurrency/blockchain related investments.
Strong growth in venture capital investment was able to offset weakness in cryptocurrency/blockchain related investments, allowing Utah to maintain its 2 nd place position in the DII US.
After falling behind last month, Texas was able to overtake Colorado for the 3 rd rank in the DII Balanced thanks to strong growth in cryptocurrency/blockchain-related investments.
Despite falling to 4 th in the DII Balanced, Colorado had comparatively strong venture capital investments and cryptocurrency/blockchain related investments. This allowed it to overtake California in the DII Tech Innovation scenario.
California fell to third in Tech Innovation due to its weaker cryptocurrency/blockchain investment trends.
Due to comparatively lower venture capital investments, Viriginia fell from 8 th to 10 th while New Hampshire, with stronger venture capital investment growth, rose from 10 th to 8 th .
After posting significant gains last month, Michigan slipped 4 places in the DII US rankings from 12 th to 16 th
Due to weaknesses in both venture capital investment and cryptocurrency related investments, Oregon slipped by two places in the DII Balanced as well as by one place in both the Tech Innovation and Regulatory and Tax scenarios.
Tennessee rose by 4 ranks in the DII Balanced and 3 ranks in the Regulatory and Tax scenario thanks to comparatively strong venture capital investment growth.
Climbing from 32 nd to 30 th in the DII Balanced, North Dakotas venture investment growth trends allowed it to overtake Iowa and Pennsylvania.
As a magnet for talent and investment, Florida remains a top destination for those looking to launch and scale their ventures, said BizWorld Chief Economic Advisor Dr. Wallace Walrod. Florida, #39 lowest taxes and pro-business policies are attracting a growing number of startups, entrepreneurs, and established companies seeking growth opportunities fueled by a burgeoning tech sector, strategic location, warm climate, and skilled workforce.
The DII US will continue to post monthly update which can be accessed here.
About BizWorld is a global non-profit organization based in Oakland, CA, whose mission is to enable youth from all backgrounds to unlock the power of entrepreneurship to create career opportunities, inspire self- reliance, and build confidence that drives economic prosperity globally. Founded over 25 years ago by Silicon Valley venture capitalist Tim Draper, programs teach students real-world 21st century skills and leadership that encourage them to become responsible leaders and entrepreneurs of tomorrow.
More than 850,000 students in more than 100 countries have participated in BizWorld programs.