Opensignal Analyzes Smartphone Users’ Experience before Cyclone Fani and in its Aftermath


London, Trinidad & Tobago

Opensignal, a mobile analytics company, published a recent insight that analyzed smartphone users’ experience before cyclone Fani and in its aftermath, showing that reliable communications play a vital role in ensuring an efficient response. 

Francesco Rizzato, Senior Technical Analyst, Opensignal said, “We measured the proportion of time users took to connect to either a 3G or 4G networks of any mobile operator, for all districts in the state of Odisha, which was the worst-affected region. Our data suggests that Cyclone Fani affected mobile networks primarily in six districts, while users in the rest of the state experienced unchanged levels of mobile network availability.”

The cyclone, which made landfall in the district of Puri, moved inland through Khorda and Cuttack, before continuing towards West Bengal and Bangladesh. Opensignal measured the largest impact on mobile networks in these three districts where the cyclone unleashed powerful winds which revealed that the district of Khorda, witnessed the largest impact on mobile services with smartphone users experiencing the largest service drop due to the storm. 3G/4G Availability decreased from a previous two weeks’ average of 92.8% to 63.6% on 4 May. Users in Khorda also experienced the longest recovery period, with mobile services affected for 20 days after the storm hit.

Opensignal – Cyclone Fani

Users in Cuttack witnessed 3G/4G availability decreasing to 69.5% a day after the cyclone made landfall and saw an impact on mobile services for 18 days. Although a considerable impact was measured in Puri as well, with 3G/4G availability dropping to 71.8% on the worst day, mobile connectivity levels were back to normal after just 13 days – much more quickly than in the next two inland districts.  As the cyclone moved further inland, passing through Dhenkanal, Jajpur, and Bhadrak the impact on mobile connectivity continued to reduce.

Opensignal – Cyclone Fani

About Opensignal

Opensignal is a mobile analytics company and the global standard for analyzing and reporting on consumers’ real-world mobile network experience at the largest scale and frequency in the wireless industry: by operator, by country, regionally and worldwide. Their mobile analytics insights are used across the industry by operators, telecoms regulators, and analysts.