Hong Kong – GFS Open Day promotes National Security Education Day


GFS Open Day promotes National Security Education Day


     ​To promote the National Security Education Day, the Government Flying Service (GFS) held an open day today (April 13) at the GFS Kai Tak Division, taking the opportunity to raise public awareness of national security and deepen their understanding of the GFS’s services, as well as its work and achievements in safeguarding national security.
     The open day featured interactive exhibition boards, national security-themed game booths, as well as virtual-reality and augmented-reality games to give members of the public a better understanding of GFS operations. The Hong Kong Air Cadet Corps, a uniformed youth group newly subvented by the GFS, performed a Chinese-style foot drill and gave a pipe band performance during the open day, which marked the first official event they participated in. As a concluding performance, a search-and-rescue flight demonstration was performed by a helicopter simulating a marine rescue operation, illustrating emergency response efforts by the GFS during life-saving missions.
     More than 1 600 visitors joined the GFS Open Day. The Deputy Chief Secretary, Mr Cheuk Wing-hing, the Secretary for Security, Mr Tang Ping-keung, and the Under Secretary for Security, Mr Michael Cheuk also toured the open day and recognised the efforts and contributions by the GFS in safeguarding national security.
     “We are delighted with the enthusiastic support from the public, and hope to deepen public understanding of national security and the GFS through community engagement during the open day. The event showcased the dedication of the GFS in safeguarding national security. The GFS remains steadfast in its mission of providing life-saving, emergency responses and aerial supports, contributing to safeguarding national security, and maintaining Hong Kong’s long-term prosperity and stability,” said the Controller of the GFS, Captain West Wu.