Schiphol gives travellers real-time information about baggage waiting times



We regularly conduct surveys among passengers to find out what they need on their journey to or from the airport.

From now on, travellers arriving at Schiphol can see where their baggage is and how long it will take to appear on the baggage belt. Schiphol is able to provide this data thanks to predictive algorithms. The airport has been using this technology in the ground handling of aircraft for a while now.

Travellers can see exactly when their baggage will appear on the belt on all 150 screens in the baggage halls, via the Schiphol app and via the website. The available information also includes whether the suitcases are still in the plane, on their way to the baggage basement or already on the baggage belt. This way, Schiphol wants to ensure that travellers have an insight into the most up-to-date status of their baggage.

We regularly conduct surveys among passengers to find out what they need on their journey to or from the airport. One need was very clear: knowing when their baggage will arrive on the belt. Thanks to our new AI-driven capability, we can now provide this information in a clear way.

Sander van Tienhoven, Product Owner Passenger Information

Self-learning datamodel
Schiphol has developed a self-learning model that makes use of thirteen different data sources to predict baggage waiting times. One of these sources is the Deep Turnaround technology that the airport uses to gain insight into the aircraft turnaround process. As soon as a plane lands and then parks at a gate, work begins to get it ready for departure. This includes cleaning, catering, baggage handling and refuelling. Having insight in this process means the airport can see whether the baggage is still in the plane or on its way to the baggage hall and therefore accurately predict how long it will take for baggage to arrive on the belt. Travellers can follow all these steps on the screens above the baggage belts, in the Schiphol app and via the website.