“Letters of Love, War and Jazz” by Frank A. White will be displayed at the 2024 L.A. Times Festival of Books


Frank A. Whites first historical nonfiction book, Letters of Love, War and Jazz, presents a captivating first-hand account of his parents (Frank and Bee White) experiences during World War II.

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ReadersMagnet will display Frank A. Whites “Letters of Love, War and Jazz” at the 2024 Los Angeles Times Festival of Books.

The self-publishing and book marketing company ReadersMagnet will display Letters of Love, War and Jazz: A Seabees Pacific Odyssey, His Wifes L.A. Exploits, and the Music of Their Generation by Frank A. White at the 2024 Los Angeles Times Festival of Books. The annual premier book event will occur at the grounds of the University of Southern California campus in Los Angeles, on April 20-21, 2024.

Frank, the son of a World War II veteran, knew little about his fathers service during the war except that he had been a lieutenant with the U.S. Navys Seabees and had spent his time somewhere in the Pacific islands. It was not until his father passed away that Frank discovered a trove of nearly 500 letters between his parents – Frank and Bee — written during the war, inspiring him to write his first historical nonfiction book, Letters of Love, War and Jazz, a captivating first-hand account of their wartime experiences.

Frank, a Navy recruit from rural Indiana, embarks on a two-year journey beginning with basic and specialized advanced training, earning an assignment with the Seabees, and deploying to several islands in the Pacific theater in the critical late stages of the war. His tour ends in newly-captured Okinawa, and he returns home via war-ravaged Tokyo. Meanwhile, his wife, Bee, adjusts to life on her own in wartime Los Angeles, finding work and friendship and exploring the vibrant jazz music scene. Their nearly daily letters to each other keep them intimately connected during these turbulent years apart.

Franks and Bees experiences during the war are told candidly, vibrantly, and with intimacy and humor. Letters of Love, War and Jazz describes their daily lives, routines, hopes and fears and provides an insightful glimpse into the social and historical context that shaped the period. It presents a personal and thoughtful perspective on a critical time in the nations and the worlds history.

Get a copy of Frank A. Whites Letters of Love, War and Jazz: A Seabees Pacific Odyssey, His Wifes L.A. Exploits, and the Music of Their Generation on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Visit ReadersMagnets exhibit at the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books 2024 at booth #225 to check out the books display.

Frank White is an accomplished attorney, consultant, writer, and speaker with a distinguished government and private sector career. He has traveled extensively, is an avid cyclist, nature photographer, and reader, and is a proud father and grandfather living in Maryland with his wife of over 50 years. This captivating first-hand account of the experiences of his father and mother during World War II is his first book of historical non-fiction.

Letters of Love, War and Jazz: A Seabees Pacific Odyssey, His Wifes L.A. Exploits, and the Music of Their Generation
Author: Frank A. White
Genre: History; World War II; Love Letters
Publisher: BookBaby
Published date: May 6, 2022