Channel 4 documentary explores modern masculinity with actor Danny Dyer



Renowned British actor Danny Dyer, celebrated for his iconic manly roles, is set to step out of his tough guy persona and embark on an insightful journey into the heart of modern British masculinity in a ground-breaking new two-part documentary series for Channel 4.

Produced by Whitworth Media,Danny Dyer: How To Be A Manfollows Danny as he delves into the evolving landscape of masculinity. At a time whensome believe traditionalmasculinity has been labelled toxic Danny will ask men across Britain what they think it means to be a man in our society, and what the future is for the male identity.

With his signature charisma and candour, Danny will meet individuals who believe traditional masculinity is under threat, as well as those advocating for a more progressive and inclusive version of the male identity and manhood.

The series will feature interviews with men, including a politician, psychologists, a mental health expert, a fitness expert, a sex therapist, an influencer, male victims of domestic abuse, and members of the Brighton Gay Mens Chorus to offer a range of voices and perspectives on this complex subject.

Across both films Danny will beexploringgender stereotypes, male attitudes to mental health, and exploring the changing roles of men in society. He will engage inconversations that challenge perceptions and open up a dialogue on what it means to be a modern man in Britain today.

Danny Dyersaid,As an actor, Ive played countless characters, but now I am making a documentary about what the evolving place of men really is. If you were to look on social media, it might seem like people are either completely embracing or rejecting traditional gender roles, without much room for nuance. Thats why we wanted to chat to real men that are representative of the UK today, to hear their thoughts on what being a modern man is to them. To me, being a man isnt about trying to fit a mould, its about showing a bit of heart and respecting yourself and others so Im hoping this documentary gets the geezers talking.

Hugh Whitworth, CEO and Creative Director at Whitworth Media, said, It feels like a taboo subject, but men and boys are facing really serious issues that we need to be talking about for the benefit of everyone.

James Routh, Director, said As someone of a similar vintage to Danny its been fascinating, shocking but also inspiring to travel the country talking to geezers. Its important that we have these conversations as a society, preferably face-to-face. At a time of noisy online identity politics its worth remembering that for a huge section of society their primary identity is simply man, and that this most fundamental of categories comes with its own issues, needs and challenges.

Ian Dunkley, Commissioning Editor for Channel 4, said, Danny Dyer: How To Be A Man promises to be a thought-provoking exploration of the concept of masculinity in contemporary Britain. Danny Dyers unique perspective and engaging storytelling captivate audiences and spark important conversations about what it means to be a man in todays world.

The two-part factual entertainment series was commissioned for Channel 4 by Ian Dunkley. It was filmed and directed by James Routh, with Hugh Whitworth as Executive Producer for Whitworth Media.