Alfred H. Kurland Publishes Powerful Thesis On the Urgent Need to Nurture Today’s Teen Activists for the Future of Democracy


Publisher | BookBaby
Genre | Civic Studies

Author Bio
Al Kurland has been a youth services and teen empowerment advocate and program manager since December of 1984. He launched his career with his founding of Southern Heights: Communities Organized for Public Service. This program enlisted teens as volunteers and program advisors. He employed this model with subsequent programs he directed such as the Ivy League/Uptown WINS; The Police Athletic Leagues Teen Services Department, and as a lead coordinator for the NYC Teens on Community Boards initiative.

Al has a bachelors degree in Political Science from York College/CUNY and a Master of Arts Degree in Special Education from New York University. His post graduate education has continued on the streets and in classrooms in New York City.

Al has been honored for his youth advocacy and community service contributions on a national level by the Petra Foundation (unsung hero award) and with a Silver Beaver Award from the Boy Scout Council. He has also been awarded in NYC by the Brooke Russell Astor Foundation (honorable mention for youth and community service; by the 33rd Police Precinct Community Council, and by Community Board #12 of upper Manhattan.