HDFC ERGO Implements Restructured Weather-Based Crop Insurance Scheme for Farmers in Uttar Pradesh


HDFC ERGO General Insurance Company, India’s leading private sector general insurance company, has been authorized by the Government of Uttar Pradesh to implement the Restructured Weather Based Crop Insurance Scheme (RWBCIS) for loanee and non-loanee farmers in Agra, Firozabad, Mainpuri, Kannauj and Kanpur Nagar for the Rabi 2023-24 season. All the products under Restructured Weather Based Crop Insurance Scheme (RWBCIS) are approved by the Department of Horticulture and Farm Forestry, Government of Uttar Pradesh.


RWBCIS offers to cover seasonal perils i.e. Excess / Deficit Rainfall Cover, Temperature, Consecutive Dry Day Cover, and Relative Humidity Cover which has been notified by the Department of Agriculture, Govt. of Uttar Pradesh. The crop covered under the scheme for the notified districts are Tomato, Capsicum and Green Pea. The last date of obtaining the cover for the crops notified under this scheme is provided in the below table. The claim amounts will be settled based on the weather index & parameters notified in Annexure 2 of the term sheet.




DistrictCropSum InsuredFarmers’ Premium (Rs.)Cut Off Date
AgraTomato500002500.00030 November 2023
FirozabadTomato500002500.00030 November 2023
Capsicum500002500.00030 November 2023
MainpuriTomato500002500.00030 November 2023
KannaujGreen Pea700003500.00030 November 2023
Tomato500002500.00030 November 2023
Kanpur NagarGreen Pea700003500.00030 November 2023
Tomato500002500.00030 November 2023


Farmers from the district of Agra, Firozabad, Mainpuri, Kannauj and Kanpur Nagar may insure their crops under the RWBCIS scheme for the crop listed above through the nearest Financial Institution viz. Nationalized Bank, District Central Co-operative Bank, Primary Agriculture Co-operative Society (PACS), Regional Rural bank / Common Service Center (CSC) / Grama One/ Uttar Pradesh One or contact the authorized HDFC ERGO agents.