Co-Founders of Canadian Federation For Citizenship Have Announced the Appointment of Two Advisory Board Members


 As we marked World Social Justice Day yesterday during Black History Month in Canada, Canadian Federation For Citizenship announced an appointment and a reappointment respectively on its Advisory Board – Chantal Fraser, Lieutenant-Colonel (Retired) of the Canadian Armed Forces and Founder of Empowered Path Inc.; and, Keren Taylor-Hughes, Senior Consultant and former CEO of Harvest Manitoba, who has previously served a three year term on the CFC Advisory Board.

Co-Founders Jenny Gulamani-Abdulla and Ghalib Abdulla established CFC over six years ago during Canada’s sesquicentennial to cultivate homegrown leadership and celebrate a pluralist nation where every Canadian can feel a true sense of belonging. “Certainly new citizens, like our parents were 45 years ago, knew how fortunate they were and still are to be in Canada,” said co-founder Jenny Gulamani-Abdulla, member of the international Bar Association who has been practicing immigration in Canada for 30 years. “And let’s also be clear that natural citizens by birth, like our own adult children, do know exactly how to be open and welcoming… citizenship should be valued no matter who we are – regardless of our national origin, race, religion and so on…”

For the last three years, during the 66th, 67th, and 68th Sessions of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women, CFC has hosted parallel events in New York City to create dialogue on inclusive citizenship to promote peaceful societies, address workplace shortages, and provide equal access to education for all. This year, CFC intends to tackle the issue of poverty through inclusive citizenship policy frameworks and showcase how a collective and collaborative response from leaders in government, businesses and civil society can provide long term sustainable solutions.

CFC is a non-partisan, non-sectarian, and non-profit organization that aims to engage Canadian citizens and residents to develop homegrown leadership through active citizenship. Its vision is to be a prominent voice on inclusive citizenship as one of Canada’s civil society leaders. This World Social Justice Day during Black History Month, let us commit to practice all year round what we advocate for in one day or one month. We must continuously demonstrate in our everyday words and actions, that indeed every person is entitled to equal economic, political and social rights as well as opportunities, in Canada and around the world.

Canadian Federation For Citizenship
Jenny Gulamani-Abdulla



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