Hong Kong – Buildings Department highly concerned about collapse of scaffold at construction site in Kai Tak today


Buildings Department highly concerned about collapse of scaffold at construction site in Kai Tak today


     The Buildings Department (BD) was highly concerned about the incident involving the collapse of a scaffold at a construction site in Kai Tak this afternoon (February 20), causing the death of two workers and injuring three workers. The BD was saddened and expressed its deepest condolences to the families of the deceased and the injured.

     A spokesman for the BD emphasised that it is the responsibility of contractors to ensure the structural safety and stability of bamboo scaffolds, including the design, erection, maintenance and dismantling of the scaffolds.

     A preliminarily investigation by the BD found that a scaffold of about 15m by 8m fell to the ground from the external wall on the 19th floor of a building under construction.

     The BD will conduct a comprehensive investigation into the cause of the incident including whether the scaffold, as temporary works, complied with the Buildings Ordinance (BO), and whether the registered contractor and any related persons have properly discharged their responsibilities. If anyone is found in contravention of the BO, the BD will follow up seriously, including instigating prosecution and referring to the Contractors Disciplinary Board for disciplinary proceedings. 

     According to section 40(2B)(a) of the BO, any person directly concerned with any building works who carries out or has carried out, or authorizes or permits or has authorized or permitted such works to be carried out, in such manner that it causes injury to any person or damage to any property; shall be guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to a fine of $1,000,000 and to imprisonment for 3 years.

     The BD reminded again contractors and building professionals to properly supervise the carrying out of building works in accordance with the BO and its subsidiary regulations, and the Code of Practice for Site Supervision to ensure safety of the building and the public during construction works.