Hong Kong – Government appoints directors to HKEX Board


Government appoints directors to HKEX Board


     The Government announced today (February 16) that the Financial Secretary has appointed Mr Chan Kin-por and Mr Peter Yan King-shun as members of the Board of Directors of the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEX) in place of Mrs Laura Cha May-lung and Mr Benjamin Hung Pi-cheng; and re-appointed Mrs Susan Chow Woo Mo-fong as a member of the Board of Directors of the HKEX. The terms of the appointments and re-appointment are around two years, from the conclusion of the 2024 Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the HKEX until the conclusion of the 2026 AGM. 

     The Government expressed gratitude to Mrs Cha and Mr Hung for their contributions during their tenure of service.

     The Financial Secretary, Mr Paul Chan, said, “During her chairmanship of the HKEX, with the support of the Government, Mrs Cha has proactively enhanced the HKEX’s fundraising capabilities, including launching new listing regimes for innovative and specialised technology companies as well as special purpose acquisition companies, facilitating overseas companies and “China concept stocks” to list in Hong Kong, deepening and expanding the mutual market access with the Mainland financial markets, improving the trading mechanism for Hong Kong Dollar-Renminbi dual-currency securities products, etc. She has made remarkable accomplishments and achieved outstanding results for the development of Hong Kong’s securities market and as an international financial centre. I would also like to express my sincere appreciation to Mr Hung for his dedicated service and valuable contributions during the last six years.”

     Mr Chan added, “For the three appointees, they are all familiar with the financial market, and are leaders in their respective professional fields. They also have vast experience in public services. I look forward to their collaborative efforts with other Board members to assist the HKEX in developing an increasingly diversified market development strategy, providing enhanced services to corporations on fundraising, accelerating the adoption of more innovative technological applications, and further strengthening its risk management framework. I am confident that the Board of Directors of the HKEX will continue to promote the development of Hong Kong into a more vibrant, upscale, broader and deeper international fundraising platform.”

     The above appointments are made in accordance with section 77 of the Securities and Futures Ordinance. The Board of Directors of the HKEX comprises a maximum of six directors appointed by the Financial Secretary, a maximum of six directors elected by shareholders, and the Chief Executive of the HKEX. The other incumbent directors appointed by the Financial Secretary are Ms Nisa Leung Wing-yu, Mr Carlson Tong Ka-shing and Mr Joseph Yam Chi-kwong.