Stephen O’Byrne, President, Shareholder Value Advisors Inc. to Speak at The Knowledge Group’s The Future of Executive Compensation Event


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About Stephen OByrne
Stephen F. OByrne is President and co-founder of Shareholder Value Advisors Inc., a consulting firm that helps companies increase shareholder value through better performance measurement, incentive compensation and valuation analysis. His work on measuring the strength and cost-efficiency of top management incentives has been published in the Harvard Business Review, the Journal of Investing, Conference Board Director Notes, the Journal of Applied Corporate Finance and the WorldatWork Journal. He is the co-author, with Professor David Young of INSEAD, of EVA and Value-Based Management. He was previously head of the compensation consulting practice at Stern Stewart & Co. and a Principal in the executive compensation practice at Towers Perrin.

About Shareholder Value Advisors Inc.
Shareholder Value Advisors (SVA) is a consulting firm that helps companies improve performance through more effective business unit incentives.

Effective business unit incentives require (1) a well-designed measure of business value added, (2) accurate estimates of competitive pay and (3) a plan design that achieves the three basic objectives of executive pay: providing strong incentives to increase shareholder value, retaining key talent and limiting shareholder cost.

SVAs distinctive capability is better measurement. SVAs work on measuring business value added isolates managements contribution to value by adjusting for capital investment, investor expectations and peer company performance. SVAs work on competitive pay uses multiple regression models to get more accurate market rates by controlling for position, industry, size, profitability and risk. SVAs work on plan design uses a distinctive framework to measure alignment, incentive strength and the companys pay premium at industry average performance using realizable as well as grant date pay.

Event Summary
Disclosure of Compensation Actually Paid, the Elon Musk verdict and legislation outlawing non-competes are three developments that could substantially change executive compensation decision making and structure.

Join our speakers as they explore these topics and more.

Key topics to be discussed:

– Using the new Compensation Actually Paid disclosures to measure key pay dimensions such as incentive strength and performance adjusted cost
– The impact of executive pay dimensions on future company performance
– The Elon Musk verdict: evaluation and implications
– Emerging Opportunities and Innovations
– Legal and Regulatory Implications
– Impact of Stakeholder Perspectives
– Adapting Compensation Strategies for Future Challenges

About The Knowledge Group
Founded in November 2006, The Knowledge Group has been at the forefront of providing quality continuing education programs for lawyers, accountants, financial executives, risk and compliance specialists, human resources professionals, technology officers, and business consultants in a wide range of industries.

The Knowledge Group strives to be the best-in-class provider of continuing education by bringing forth relevant content you cant get anywhere else.
