Biennale College Danza: new call for applications open until 8 March


Two international calls for the selection of young dancers and choreographers are now available online. Deadline: 8 March 2024.



Starting ThursdayFebruary 8th, through FridayMarch 8th, the new international calls launched respectively for young dancers and choreographers and for the new edition ofBiennale College Danzawill be available online on the website of La Biennale di Venezia the creations of Teshigawara and Xie Xin, the revivals of works from the repertories of Crystal Pite, Merce Cunningham, Simone Forti, for the next edition ofBiennale College Danzathe artistic director himself,Wayne McGregor, will be working on anew creationwith and for the young dancers, which will premiere on the stage of the18thInternational Festival of Contemporary Dance(18 July -3 August).

Once again this year,16 dancersbetween the ages of 18 and 28 will be selected along with2 choreographers, foran intensive immersive residencyin Venice: a unique three-month programme to study under the mentorship of great international masters, develop their personal artistic skills, and acquire the practical capabilities required to break into the dance market from the creation of a portfolio to contracts, and including commissions and intellectual property rights.

FromMay 6ththrough August 3rd, the selected young artists will work daily in theSale dArmi of the Arsenale, attending classes in classical and contemporary technique and workshops focused on repertory, the creative process, and improvisation with an eye to developing new creations.

With the intent to expand a new generation of dance artists, Biennale College Danzas theoretical and practical course of studies will conclude within the18thFestivalwith the presentation of new choreographic works commissioned by La Biennale, and specifically:

  • anew creationbyWayne McGregorconceived for the space of the Sala Grande in thePalazzo del Cinemaon the Lido, and developed in collaboration with the young dancers of Biennale College together with the Wayne McGregor Company, which for the occasion will be in residence in Venice;
  • awork from the repertoryofCristina Caprioli, one of the major choreographers and experimental theoreticians of Scandinavian dance, the author of works that disrupt the linguistic and perceptive conventions of dance, and who in the course of the residency will be both teacher and mentor to the selected dancers;
  • twooriginalnew creationsconceived by theselected choreographers, who will work together on their development with the dancers of the College.


The18thInternational Festival of Contemporary Dance,to be held in Venice from July 18thto August 3rd, will be a place of critical and creative exchange for the dancers and choreographers ofBiennale Collegewho not onlywill present their worksat the close of their training process, but will also have the opportunity to attend all the events in the festival, and participate in lectures and mini-residencies with the invited artists.

Theofficial texts of the callsforBiennale College Danza 2024complete with theprogramme,benefits and concessions(travel, housing, transportation, artists fees) are available online:




Biennale Collegeis an experience that since 2012has complemented all the Departments of La Biennale di Venezia Art, Architecture, Cinema, Dance, Music, Theatre, ASAC to promote young talents, offering them the opportunity to work in close contact with mentors to develop creations that will become part of the artistic programmes.

Biennale College, organized byLa Biennale di Venezia, enjoys the support of theMinistry of the Cultural Heritage and ActivitiesGeneral Directorate for the Performing Artsand theRegione del Veneto.