Tingey Injury Law Firm Launches Campaign to Help Super Bowl Fans Injured in Car Wrecks


Super Bowl LVIII will drive football fans to Las Vegas’ Allegiant Stadium on February 11, escalating car wreck risks. Tingey Injury Law Firm has started an educational campaign to prepare drivers to respond to accidents.

Restaurants, hotels, and stadium employees in Las Vegas are preparing for a frenzy of activity as football fans flock to Super Bowl LVIII at Allegiant Stadium on Sunday, February 11. Vegas’ Tingey Injury Law Firm is preparing, too, by sharing information to help Las Vegas visitors who become injured in Super Bowl weekend traffic accidents.

Super Bowl Sunday is always a dangerous time to be on the roads. One study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that traffic fatalities nationwide spiked by more than 40% on Super Bowl Sunday as compared to Sundays before and after the Big Game. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 42% of those involved in fatal Super Bowl Sunday crashes had a blood alcohol content exceeding the nationally-established limit.

Super Bowl-related road risks increase even more when the Big Game comes to one’s hometown. “With so many people packed into our already busy city, motorists have to be on guard and prepare for the worst,” said Dean Tingey, one of several accident attorneys at Las Vegas’ Tingey Injury Law Firm. “There will be a major influx of rideshare drivers who may not be familiar with the roads as well as tourists who are navigating our city on foot or by car for the first time.”

Tingey said that things can get particularly messy for out-of-town drivers after an accident. “There’s the question of what the laws are in a new state, where to go to get medical help, where to get the car towed, and whether to hire a Las Vegas attorney or one from a driver’s home city. Of course, this is all playing out on top of the usual panic and chaos surrounding a car wreck.”

Tingey has added a wealth of information to its website for handling questions for Super Bowl-related traffic evidence. The articles were compiled with input from the firm’s car accident injury attorneys. They answer questions about gathering proof at the accident site, how to know when to see a doctor, who is responsible in the event of an Uber or Lyft accident (the driver or the company), whether or not to accept an insurance settlement, and more.

“We wanted to create a go-to resource for people to review in their trip preparations as well as in the unfortunate case that they are injured in a traffic accident. Accidents are so disorienting, and our information hub makes it easy for people to get the answers they need on the spot without searching through a mass of online content,” said Tingey.

To learn more about Tingey Injury Law Firm or their Super Bowl LVIII guide for car accident victims, visit www.TingeyLawFirm.com.

About Tingey Injury Law Firm

Tingey Injury Law Firm aims to provide the highest quality legal representation and counsel for those affected by personal injuries in Las Vegas. Cases include auto accident, wrongful death, work injury, personal injury (such as a slip and fall, or trip and fall), or dog bite. Their attorneys maintain a reputation for thoroughness and preparedness that is recognized in the local community.