Most of Pedro Alonso Pablos’ Animated Feature Films, Almost Entirely Made by Himself, Are Now Available for Purchase


 Film director Pedro Alonso Pablos, from Spain, has made seven animated feature films already, with the particularity that they have been made almost entirely by himself.

The first and second ones (“The path of the elephants” and “Triskipolis”) were aired in the US through the popular Amazon Prime Video service. Other films have been steadily launched through his own website/platform mainly for a Spanish audience in the past years.

The first four of them now have English subtitles available, although all of them are ready to be purchased on the US.

Pedro has spent a wonderful time creating those films and launching them. As he makes them almost entirely by himself, he has developed a particular animated “cinematographic language,” inspired on the emojis and other popular culture assets. He admits that he has made an effort to simplify that “film language” in order for the films to be completed (it’s a hard work to make a film almost only by one person); the result are these films, whose soundtracks have been also composed and performed by Pedro in their majority.

Pedro started making these films in 2016, and since 2019 he has released one of them each year, up to 2024, when the last film is currently being promoted (“He was a daydreamer”) and will be released soon.

In addition to this, Pedro has published many other smaller animated productions, most of them related to the literature world: The “Tales of the Alhambra” animation adaptation by famous American writer Washington Irving, “El lazarillo de Tormes” animation adaptation and many others that are now available for purchase.

The website/platform that is hosting and selling these films right now is

Pedro Alonso Pablos is a Spanish film producer who in 2004 created one of the first talk shows for the internet with the presence of many Spanish and worldwide known celebrities like Guillermo del Toro or Keanu Reeves. Lately he has been producing some animated feature films, with the particularity that he has made them almost entirely by himself.

Pedro Alonso Pablos
+34 608029282
We have available digital copies for journalists who desire to watch the whole movie and other material by contacting us.



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