“The Streamlined Locomotive” by Stephen Lloyd Auslender is a Humorous and Imaginative Piece of Literature


Set in a fictional county in Appalachia called Hawgwaller, The Streamlined Locomotive primarily centers around the maturing of Theopolis P. Bezelbottom, who is from a wealthy family of leaders of industry, who in their day were known as robber barons.

San Diego, CA – WEBWIRE

The Streamlined Locomotive is a gripping book that follows the story of Theopolis, who is set to modify his way of life to get his familys support and maintain his position of power.

Up until the 1950s passenger trains were pulled by steam locomotives. In the 1930s some major railroads in the United States and other countries covered their high-speed passenger locomotives with sheet metal in a simplified, aerodynamic Art Deco style known as Streamline Moderne. Some railroad companies added streamlined passenger cars to compliment the locomotives. More than just a means of transport, streamliners have inspired the imaginations of writers to craft compelling work around it, such as Stephen Lloyd Auslenders The Streamlined Locomotive.

Set in Hawgwaller, a fictional county in the Appalachian area of the United States of America, The Streamlined Locomotive primarily centers around the maturing of Theopolis P. Bezelbottom. Theo, as he is called, is the scion of a wealthy family of traditional leaders of industry who were referred to as robber barons. Theo desires to live a laid-back and carefree life with minimal responsibility. He expects to inherit control of Hawgwaller and the primary section of some of the major railroads in the United States. Theos uncle, Throckmorton P. Bezelbottom, the leader of this clan, has assigned Theo the task of backing up Theos other uncle, Aloysius P. Bezelbottom, who runs the county. However, Aloysius now expects Theo to create a modern, streamlined steam locomotive for the countys two-bit third-rate feeder railroad.

Theo understands that to keep his affluent position in the family he must successfully perform all the tasks he is now required to undertake. If he fails to meet the expectations, he will lose his wealth and favored position in the family and be drafted into the Army, with World War II on the brink of breaking out. Will Theo be able to fulfill the expectations that surround him? Readers will have fun discovering the ending of Stephen Lloyd Auslenders page-turning book.

The Streamlined Locomotive blends humor and excitement into one gripping novel. It highlights relevant life lessons surrounding the value of wealth, family, and identity while making its readers have a good laugh. It is Auslenders debut book, a story that sprung into his mind while making sculpture.

Interested readers of The Streamlined Locomotive by Stephen Lloyd Auslender may grab a copy of the book on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Learn more about the author and his works by visiting his website at https://www.slauslenderarts.com/.

The Streamlined Locomotive
Author: Stephen Lloyd Auslender
Published Date: August 10, 2020
Publisher: Page Publishing, Inc.
Genre: Humorous Literature

Authors Biography

Stephen Lloyd Auslender studied Industrial Design (B.S. Degree) and went on to express his surrealist visions in Sculpture (M.F.A. Degree). He holds a Doctorate in Creative Arts (Ph.D.). Over the past fifty-plus years, he has taught and worked in Mechanical Design and Sculpture. His view of life is a combination of comedy and tragedy. He has retired from the Mechanical Design and Educational Fields and is presently sculpting and writing.