Sir Patrick Bijou: A Youthful Icon of Global Banking and Financial World


Sir Patrick Bijou is a name that has always been held in high regard. Sir Patrick Bijou is widely known for introducing the CFD (Contract For Difference) concept, which is used by all trading institutions and banks worldwide today.

The corporate world is different from where you witness leaps and strides when it comes to individual leaders making a considerable mark regularly. Brilliance comes in brief bursts, where a thought finds acceptance and irrelevance at equal speed.

However, revolutionary mindsets are hard to contain in any domain. Regarding investment banking and finance, Sir Patrick Bijou is a name that has always been held in high regard. After all, he has been a visionary par excellence in banking and finance for the last thirty years. This reverence was bound to be a reality then.

He credits much of the reverence he has garnered over the years to how his personal life was shaped. At age five, he moved to England with his family from Guyana, South America. With his schooling from some of the best schools in England, he had to offer for young students. It became apparent that a young Patrick had all the makings of an academic.

After his first degree, the possibility of completing an MBA in England had yet to arrive as the country struggled with a scarcity of MBA graduates. This was when moving to the United States for further education was prudent; the rest is history.

Sir Patrick Bijou is widely known for introducing the CFD (Contract For Difference) concept, which is used by all trading institutions and banks worldwide today. CFDs are about utilising leverage ratios and how they can be exploited to facilitate better trading across capital markets.

Beginning with the Wells Fargo Bank on Wall Street, he has served as a personal banker, bond, derivative, and futures trader on the Deutsch trading floor. Other institutions where he has worked include banks such as the Credit Agricole CIB and the Credit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank, garnering him a global reputation in the professional world.

Sir Patrick’s core areas of expertise include investment banking, financial analysis, strategic planning, project and portfolio management and funding. He can effectively evaluate customers’ financial situation by suggesting the best action to ensure business success and long-term wealth.

Other than this, he has authored more than 45 books spanning a variety of genres of fiction and non-fiction while also being very active on the charitable fronts, supporting multiple charities like the Cancer Support Community, World Peace Tracts, and the Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity, Ashrams in India and NGOs in Africa.

His outstanding achievements and contributions to charitable causes earned him a knighthood 2018 from the sovereign state of the Knights of Malta.

Click Here To Know More – Sir Patrick Bijou

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