The Originals Renault store, a business with a buzz



  • The Originals Renault store is a website dedicated to Renault merchandising activity, with scale models, toys and a wide range of lifestyle products
  • Re-launched three years ago, this activity has seen sales increase fivefold and is continuing to grow strongly. It operates through a number of complementary distribution channels: the historic network, the the Originals Renault store website and pop-up stores
  • Renault is continuously updating and expanding the product range, particularly in the run-up to Christmas, where the products will also feature in special TV commercials

A fast-growing business line

Open to everybody collectors, connoisseurs, compulsive buyers or just casual browsers the Originals Renault store includes a range of options to help visitors find their favourite products.

The Originals website can be accessed via the following link:

The website is ready for the festive season, with enhanced functions, a simplified ordering process, secure payment and international delivery. It is available in six languages (English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese) and is able to ship worldwide.

In just three years, the website has increased sales by over 300%.

Since the beginning of 2023,the Originals Renault store has taken orders from customers from all over the world (almost 50 countries) with an average basket value of 68. The wide range of merchandising includes almost 400 items, ranging from scale models to clothing, childrens toys, skateboards and special collections for specific vehicles or themes, such as tennis or the new rnlt range.

All of the products are developed as part of an exclusive collaboration with the brands designers, who see it as a great way to channel their creative energy.

Our merchandising business is supporting the brands renewal while also helping us boost our image worldwide. Sales of Originals Renault products are growing at a rapid rate. The products are attractive and of good quality, and they contribute to our value creation strategy”

Arnaud Belloni, Chief Marketing Officer Renault

Remembering how much you love electric cars

Merchandising is a strategic activity that taps into the advertising resources deployed for production vehicles. The online store uses advertising campaigns and adaptations of TV commercials to showcase its new products.

The tagline of the TV commercial reproduire chez vous or do try this at home is an invitation to make these stories your own with Renault scale models. The commercial was recently updated to show the electric race track now available to order from the Originals Renault store.

Efficient, complementary distribution channels

Renault merchandising is available through three distribution channels:

  • the Originals Renault store website
  • Renault dealers, who can kit out their staff with special uniforms and accessories, sell products directly from their dealerships or set up pop-up stores at local trade shows
  • Dedicated areas: rnlt stores or pop-up stores at motor shows (IAA Munich, Rtromobile, Paris Motor Show, EpoquAuto, etc.)

New contact points

The Originals products are available from the rnlt store at 33 avenue des Champs-Elyses in Paris and at special events such as car shows, as well as from the website.

Not many events are able to attract thousands of visitors. In 2022, the Renault store took 100,000 in sales at the Paris Motor Show in just six days, with 4,000 visitors buying at least one Renault product. Thats more than one customer every minute, with an average shopping basket of 27. Bestsellers included scale models, the 4L 60th anniversary hoodie and the Renault 5 T-shirt.

Bestsellers from the Originals Renault store website in 2023

The three bestselling products on the website in 2023 are: the R5 Prototype scale model, the Caudron-Renault Rafale wooden aircraft and the new electric race track, which is already proving highly popular.

Gift ideas for all ages

One of Renaults top Christmas gift suggestions is a 3.80 metre long electric race track with two electric Renault 5 vehicles. An opportunity for players of all ages to go head-to-head: Renault 5 Prototype versus Renault 5 Turbo 3E.

The website also offers many other wide gift ideas, including a range of skateboards, leather jackets and cashmere jumpers and, for children, a pedal car, vintage ride-on car or a Renault garage made of wood with a service station and scale models.

These timeless classic toys will also bring back great memories for all car aficionados.

About Renaulrt

Renault, a historic mobility brand and pioneer of electric vehicles in Europe, has always developed innovative vehicles. With the Renaulution strategic plan, Renault has embarked on an ambitious, value-generating transformation moving towards a more competitive, balanced and electrified range. Its ambition is to embody modernity and innovation in technology, energy and mobility services in the automotive industry and beyond.