Kem Kowa’s “The Elements of Art: Create Art With Linear and Friends” is a Fun and Engaging Way to Introduce Children to the Fundamentals of Art



Introducing a revolutionary new way for children to discover and explore art, The Elements of Art: Create Art with Linear and Friends by Kem Kowa is the perfect way to introduce younger learners to the fundamental ideas of art.

This activity book was written with the aim of aiding children in developing their fundamental drawing abilities without sacrificing their fun and entertainment. As the reader follows the adventures of Line and Linears friends, they will be exposed to artistic concepts that will help them form cohesive images.

The Elements of Art: Create Art with Linear and Friends is an engaging and entertaining way to teach children about the artistic process. It includes activities such as drawing shapes and lines, playing with color and value, and introducing them to the fundamentals of perspective. It also includes fun facts about famous artists, a gallery of artwork, and tips and tricks to help children master their own artwork. It is an excellent resource for children who are just beginning to explore art and is a great way to help them develop their skills and understand the process.

Kem Kowa, the author of The Elements of Art: Create Art with Linear and Friends, is passionate about helping children discover and explore art. Kowas mission is to ensure that children have access to the same tools and resources that she did as a child, so that they can unlock their own creative potential.

The Elements of Art: Create Art with Linear and Friends is available now at

The Elements of Art
Author: Kem Kowa
Publisher: Your Online Publicist
Publication Date: July 2022
Genre: Childrens book
Target Audience: Children
Paperback ISBN: 978-1-63892-395-4
Hardback ISBN: 978-1-63892-396-1

About the Author
Kem Kowas life has evolved through gathering memories from living in the Midwest, among the blue skies, cornfields, and flowing rivers. She earned a Bachelors Degree of Science from Millikin University and an Associate of Art Degree from Richland Community College. As an artist, she has filled her space painting with oils, acrylics, and watercolors. The foundation of her style has always been guided by pencil sketching. She has pursued a career of designing and creating greeting cards.